PhD Theses
Dr. Kiran Babu Gona

Exploring new labelling strategies for boronated compounds: towards fast development and efficient assessment of BNCT drug candidates

Supervisor: Dr. Jordi Llop
Dr. Beatriz Macarena Cobaleda Siles

Modular Multimodal Iron Oxide-Based Nanocarriers for Image-Guided dsRNA Immunostimulation and Platinum Anticancer Drug Design

Supervisor: Prof. Juan Mareque Rivas
Dr. Dhruv Thakar

Surfaces biomimétiques pour caractériser les interactions induites par les glycosaminoglycanes aux niveaux moléculaire, supramoléculaire et cellulaire

Supervisor: Dr. Liliane Coche-Guerente, Dr. Ralf. P. Richter and Dr. Didier Boturyn
Dr. Denis Rodriguez

Nanoparticle Assembly for Fabrication of SERS Codes

Supervisor: Prof. Luis M. Liz Marzán and Prof. Jorge Pérez Juste