Our researchers participate in the following platforms and networks:

The Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA) is an alliance composed of 17 technology centres and cooperative research centres belonging to the Basque Network of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Basque Government, the Councils of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa and the SPRI Group aimed at meeting the industrial challenges of Euskadi and to compete with the leading international organizations in research and technology development.

The Biomedical Research Networking center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) is one of nine CIBER consortia in the country, created under the leadership of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) to promote research excellence and build a critical mass of researchers in the field of Biomedicine and Health Sciences.

The The Biomedical Research Networking Center of Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES) is a multidisciplinary research network with the main aim of fighting respiratory diseases by fostering excellence in research and transferring this quickly and safely to clinical practice.

The Basque Health Cluster is a leading organization that brings together companies, research centers, and institutions in the health and biosciences sector in the Basque Country. Its mission is to foster collaboration, innovation, and business development by connecting key stakeholders in biotechnology, medical technology, and digital health. Through strategic partnerships, the cluster promotes the growth of the regional health ecosystem, facilitates access to international markets, and supports the development of cutting-edge healthcare solutions.

The Spanish Nanomedicine Platform is an initiative that aims to bring together the main Spanish players in research, industry and administration, to promote a common strategy in this highly multidisciplinary area.

The EU NanoSafety Cluster is a DG RTD NMP initiative to maximise the synergies between the existing FP6 and FP7 projects addressing all aspects of nanosafety including toxicology, ecotoxicology, exposure assessment, mechanisms of interaction, risk assessment and standardisation.

NanoSpain, Spanish Nanotechnology Network, promotes the exchange of knowledge between Spanish groups working in different fields related to Nanotechnology and Nanoscience increasing collaboration among universities, research institutions and industry.

Photonics21 founded in 2005 – is a voluntary association representing the industry as well as research organisations and other stakeholders in the field of photonics in Europe.

The Spanish Technology Platform for Photonics, Fotónica21, includes key players in the sector in Spain. The Spanish platform born to coordinate national activities in the same way to those carried out in the European Technology Platform Photonics21.

The Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials Spanish Technological Platform (MATERPLAT) was created in 2008 with the purpose of fostering and promoting innovation in the R&D&I National System, as a key tool and instrument to improve and increase the competitiveness of the collective of Spanish companies, for which materials and nanomaterials, as well as their transformation processes are fundamental elements in the development and commercialization of their products and services. In order to do so, MATERPLAT aims to build and develop a framework of encounter and collaboration between the different agents of the Company, Science and Technology Spanish System interested in promoting research, development and the application of Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials.