
Gold - coated magnetic glyconanoparticles functionalised with proteins for use as diagnostic and therapeutic agents

Centre: Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales - CIC biomaGUNE
Application no.: Eur. Pat. Pub. No. EP2305310 (Apr. 6, 2011); PCT Pub. No. WO 2011/036191 (March 31, 2011)
Priority date: 25/09/2009
Applicant: CIC biomaGUNE
Inventors: S. Penades-Ullate, I. Garcia-Martin and J. Gallo-Paramo

Apparatus and method for the functionalisation of AFM tips

Centre: Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales - CIC biomaGUNE
Application no.: Eur. Pat. Pub. No. EP2237050 (Oct. 6, 2010); PCT Pub. No. WO 2010/112440 (Oct 7, 2010); US Pat. Appl. US 2012/0096602 (Apr. 19 2012)
Priority date: 31/03/2009
Applicant: CIC biomaGUNE
Inventors: E. Martines, I. Garcia-Martin and S. Penades-Ullate

Liquid-Tight container for storing and transporting AFM probes

Centre: Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales - CIC biomaGUNE
Application no.: Eur. Pat. Pub. No. EP2237051 (Oct. 6, 2010); PCT Pub. No. WO 2010/112438 (Oct 7, 2010); US Pat. Appl. US 2012/0055842 (March 8, 2012)
Priority date: 31/03/2009
Applicant: CIC biomaGUNE
Inventors: E. Martines, I. Garcia-Martin and S. Penades-Ullate