
Sample plates for surface assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry

Centre: Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales - CIC biomaGUNE
Application no.: GB Pat. Appl. GB1307914 (May 2, 2013); PCT Int. Appl. PCT/EP2014/058953 (May 1, 2014)
Priority date: 02/05/2013
Applicant: CIC biomaGUNE
Inventors: N.C. Reichardt, J. Calvo and J. Etxebarria-Ruiz

Synthesis and use of isotopically-labelled glycans

Centre: Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales - CIC biomaGUNE
Application no.: GB Pat. Appl. GB1305986 (April 3, 2013); PCT Int. Appl. PCT/EP2014/056737 (April 3 2014)
Priority date: 03/04/2013
Applicant: CIC biomaGUNE
Inventors: N.C. Reichardt and B. Echeverria

Methods for Making Microarrays and Their Uses

Centre: Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales - CIC biomaGUNE
Application no.: US Prov. Pat. Appl. US 61777202 (March 12, 2013); US Pat. Appl. 14/203611 (11 March 2014); US Pat. Appl. Pub. No. 2014/ 0274771 (September 18, 2014)
Priority date: 12/03/2013
Applicant: CIC biomaGUNE
Inventors: A. Beloqui-Elizazu and N.C. Reichardt

Non-intrusive agitation system

Centre: Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en biomateriales - CIC biomaGUNE
Application no.: EP2013052039W
Priority date: 01/02/2013
Inventors: M. Simón