
Method for the characterization of intermolecular interactions

Centre: Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales - CIC biomaGUNE
Application no.: Eur. Pat. Pub. No. EP2400304 (Dec 28, 2011); PCT Pub No. WO 2011/ 161150 (Dec 29, 2011); US Pat. Appl. Pub. No. 2013/0123137 (May 16, 2013); CA Pat. Appl. CA 2803694 (Dec 29, 2011)
Priority date: 22/06/2010
Applicant: CIC biomaGUNE
Inventors: N.C. Reichardt and J. Etxebarria-Ruiz

Analytical applications of enzymatic growth of fluorescent quantum dots

Centre: Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales - CIC biomaGUNE
Application no.: Eur. Pat. Pub. No. EP2380990 (Oct 26, 2011); PCT Pub. No. WO 2011/131685 (Oct 27, 2011); US Pat. Appl. US 2013/0040329 (Feb 14, 2013).
Priority date: 20/04/2010
Applicant: CIC biomaGUNE
Inventors: V. Pavlov, L. Saa-Pena and A. Virel-Sanchez