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Effect of the substituents of the neighboring ring in the conformational equilibrium of iduronate in heparin-like trisaccharidesMuñoz-García, JC; López-Prados, J; Angulo, J; Díaz-Contreras, I; Reichardt, N; de Paz, JL; Martín-Lomas, M; Nieto, PM. Chem. Eur. J., 2012, 18, 16319-16331
Organized plasmonic clusters with high coordination number and extraordinary enhancement in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)Pazos-Perez, N; Wagner, CS; Romo-Herrera, JM; Liz-Marzán, LM; García de Abajo, FJ; Wittemann, A; Fery, A; Alvarez-Puebla, RA. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 12688-12693
Biocompatible nanocomposite for PET/MRI hybrid imagingComes Franchini, M; Pucci, A; Locatelli, E; Naddaka, M; Milani; Passoni, L; Matteoli, M; Llop, J; Reese, T; Israel, LL; Lellouche, JP; Gil, L; Gomez-Vallejo, V. Int. J. Nanomed., 2012, 7, 6021-6033
Highly transparent and conductive films of densely aligned ultrathin Au nanowire monolayersSánchez-Iglesias, A; Rivas-Murias, B; Grzelczak, M; Pérez-Juste, J; Liz-Marzán, LM; Rivadulla, F; Correa-Duarte, MA. Nano Lett., 2012, 12, 6066-6070
Hydrophobic interactions modulate self-assembly of nanoparticlesSánchez-Iglesias, A; Grzelczak, M; Altantzis, T; Goris, B; Pérez-Juste, J; Bals, S; Van Tendeloo, G; Donaldson, SH; Chmelka, BF; Israelachvili, JN; Liz-Marzán, LM. ACS Nano, 2012, 6, 11059-11065
Resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy reveals d-d ligand-field states involved in the self-assembly of a square-planar platinum complexGarino, C; Gallo, E; Smolentsev, N; Glatzel, P; Gobetto, R; Lamberti, C; Sadler, PJ; Salassa, L. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 15278-15281
Biodistribution and metabolism of 11C-labeled Kendine 91 in mice and ratsGómez-Vallejo, V; Martín, A; Aginagalde, M; San Sebastian, E; Padro, D; Cossío, FP; Llop, J. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 2012, 70, 2545-2551
Tracing nanoparticles in vivo: A new general synthesis of positron emitting metal oxide nanoparticles by proton beam activationPérez-Campaña, C; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Martin, A; San Sebastián, E; Moya, SE; Reese, T; Ziolo, RF; Llop, J. Analyst, 2012, 137, 4902-4906
Live Imaging of Mouse Endogenous Neural Progenitors Migrating in Response to an Induced TumorElvira, G; García, I; Benito, M; Gallo, J; Desco, M; Penadés, S; Garcia-Sanz, JA; Silva, A. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e44466
Iron oxide-filled m icelles as ligands for fac-[M(CO) 3] + (M = 99mTc, Re)Blanco, NG; Jauregui-Osoro, M; Cobaleda-Siles, M; Maldonado, CR; Henriksen-Lacey, M; Padro, D; Clark, S; Mareque-Rivas, JC. Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 4211-4213
Gold nanoparticles as carriers for a synthetic Streptococcus pneumoniae type 14 conjugate vaccineSafari, D; Marradi, M; Chiodo, F; Th Dekker, HA; Shan, Y; Adamo, R; Oscarson, S; Rijkers, GT; Lahmann, M; Kamerling, JP; Penadés, S; Snippe, H. Nanomedicine, 2012, 7, 651-662