
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) service is in charge of providing a spectra recording service, maintains the hard and software of the spectrometers, assists in specific problem solving and spectra interpretation, and advises on spectroscopic topics in relation to supporting research.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a highly versatile and widely used spectroscopic technique in many branches of chemistry, material physics, biology or medicine. The most common applications include structural analysis, purity assessment, structural elucidation, kinetic studies, identification and quantification of organic compounds, as well as blood or urine metabolism studies.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer, NMR – Bruker Ultra Shield Plus 500 MHz. The NMR equipment has an automatic frequency adjusting and tuning probe (ATM) with Z BBI gradient (reverse) of 5 mm for 1H/19F for standard sample analysis and allows measurements at different temperatures. The platform has a HRMAS (High Resolution Magic-Angle Spinning) probe with three 1H /13C /31P channels for the study of intact tissues or semisolid samples.
Standard experiments:
- 1 dimension: 1H, 13C, 19F, 29Si, 31P, 195Pt, etc. (15 to 120 minutes). See measurement times for other nuclides.
- 2 dimensions: COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMBC, NOESY, DOSY, etc. (15 to 120 minutes).
- HRMAS (High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with Magic Angle).


Time Domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer, TD-NMR – Bruker Minispec mq60.
Allows to determine the relaxation times, longitudinal and transverse relaxation times (described by the time constants T1 and T2, respectively) of compounds in solution or particles in suspension. Allows the study of MRI contrast agents in a magnetic field of 1.4 T and measuring frequencies of 60 MHz.

Service catalogue


Daniel Padró · 943 005 304 ·


Art. No Description Unit A (€) B (€)
NMR-Re-DP Data analysis or report preparation Hour 60,50 69,50

A: Nonprofit Research and Development (R&D) Organizations and Entities associated with CIC biomaGUNE

B: Other types of entities.


Prices are valid until Jan 31, 2025