
This platform offers electron microscopy and analysis to research groups within the institute as well as to the external users. It provides a TEM optimized for ultra high resolution and low electron dose studies equipped with a CMOS camera and STEM (BF & HAADF) and EDXS systems, and a TEM optimized for high contrast studies equipped with a CCD camera. Also, a SEM equipped with an EDXS system, cryo-microscopy hardware for TEM and SEM, and a dedicated sample preparation infrastructure are provided. The laboratory expertise focuses in particular on the (cryo-) sample preparation and corresponding (cryo-) electron microscopy studies on composites of nanoparticles and biological or soft polymer materials.

Electron Microscopy is used to study samples at the micrometer and nanometer scale in order to

  • achieve images for studying sizes and shapes of the structures in a sample
  • achieve scattering contrasts and energy signals for studying material composition arrangements

With TEM it is possible to look through a sample

  • (thickness < 100 nm)

With SEM it is possible to exclusively study its surface

  • (penetration depth < 10 nm)

By cryo-EM methods it is possible to better preserve the ultrastructure of soft polymer or biological samples

  • sample preparation and measurements at low temperature protect samples from ultrastructural ruptures and deformations, and lowers the sample´s susceptibility to beam damages.

The Electron Microscopy Platform features with a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) optimized for ultra-high-resolution studies with low electron dose, which is equipped with a: CMOS camera, detector systems for STEM scanning mode (BF and HAADF) and a state-of-the-art Oxford UltimMax energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector.

It also has a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) that is equipped with an EDX system.


The platform is equipped with a dedicated sample preparation room that includes an immersion freezer, high pressure freezer, automatic freezing replacement robot and an ultramicrotome with an accessory to process samples under cryogenic conditions.

The experience of the platform focuses on the preparation of (cryo)samples and corresponding (cryo)microscopy studies on nanoparticle compounds and polymeric and biological or soft materials


Transmission Electron Microscope, TEM – JEOL JEM-2100F UHR It is an ultra-high resolution equipment equipped with a a field emission electron beam FEG (Field Emission Gun) with variable acceleration between 80 and 200 kV, a 4-megapixel CMOS camera (TVIPS TemCam-F216) and two STEM detectors (BF & HAADF) in combination with an EDX detector (Oxford UltimMax), and has the GATAN 626 cryo-transfer system.


Scanning electron microscope, SEM – JEOL JSM 6490 LV (Equipped with a beam that works in the acceleration interval between 0,3 and 30 keV, it has two electron detectors: scattered and backscatter (SE and BE), in combination with an EDX detector (Oxford INCA). It has a GATAN ALTO 1000 cryotransfer system integrated built-in with a gold/palladium atomic vaporizer for the deposition of thin films on the surface of non-conductive samples. It can be used in low vacuum mode to work with samples of biological interest.


Vitrification system, FEI Vitrobot Mark IV. Allows the cryogenization of samples in an automated and reproducible way. It is used to conduct the vitrification process of ultrafine suspended samples deposited on microscopy grids.


Ultramicrotome, Leica EM UC7. Facilitates the preparation of semi-thin and ultra-thin cuts of biological and industrial samples. This allows the analysis of sections, for example, by means of electron, optical or fluorescence microscopy. It has a chamber for cold work (Leica EM FC7) in which cuts can be prepared at temperatures between -15 oC and -185 oC.

High Pressure Freezing System, Leica EM HPM 100. Allows the vitrification of biological samples with a maximum thickness of 300 mm in a transport system of 3 mm in diameter.


Freeze Substitution and Low Temperature Embedding System, Leica EM AFS2. It allows to perform techniques of cryo substitution with progressive temperature drop (PLT), inclusion at low temperature, and polymerization of resins.

Service catalogue


Marco Möller · 943 005 325 ·


Art. No Description Unit A (€) B (€)
EM-TEM TEM JEOL JEM-2100 UHR Hour 145,00 167,00
EM-TEM-STEM TEM · STEM Mode Surcharge 21,00 24,00
EM-TEM-EDS TEM · EDS Oxford UltimMax Surcharge 21,00 24,00
EM-TEM-Sa TEM · Sample Preparation Sample 15,50 17,50
EM-SEM SEM JEOL JSM-6490LV Hour 91,50 105,50
EM-SEM-EDS SEM · EDS Oxford Inca Surcharge 27,50 31,50
EM-SEM-LV SEM · Low Vacuum Mode Surcharge 28,00 32,50
EM-SEM-Cryo SEM · Cryogenic Samples Surcharge 28,00 32,50
EM-LS Lump-Sum Consumables Unit 19,00 22,00
EM-Re-MM Data analysis or report preparation Hour 60,50 69,50

A: Nonprofit Research and Development (R&D) Organizations and Entities associated with CIC biomaGUNE


B: Other types of entities.


Prices are valid until Jan 31, 2025