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Cell uptake, intracellular distribution, fate and reactive oxygen species generation of polymer brush engineered CeO2-x NPsQiu, Y; Rojas, E; Murray, RA; Irigoyen, J; Gregurec, D; Castro-Hartmann, P; Fledderman, J; Estrela-Lopis, I; Donath, E; Moya, SE. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 6588-6598
Synthesis and redox activity of "clicked" triazolylbiferrocenyl polymers, network encapsulation of gold and silver nanoparticles and anion sensingRapakousiou, A; Deraedt, C; Irigoyen, J; Wang, Y; Pinaud, N; Salmon, L; Ruiz, J; Moya, S; Astruc, D. Inorg. Chem., 2015, 54, 2284-2299
Comparing linear and cyclic synthetic homopolypeptides: Synthesis and molecular characterizationPolitakos, N; Liontos, G; Kortaberria, G; Messman, JM; Calvo, J; Moya, SE; Mays, JW; Avgeropoulos, A. J. Polym. Sci. Part. A, 2015, 53, 393-404
Lipidic nanovesicles stabilize suspensions of metal oxide nanoparticlesJiménez-Rojo, N; Lete, MG; Rojas, E; Gil, D; Valle, M; Alonso, A; Moya, SE; Goñi, FM. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 2015, 191, 84-90
Stabilization of AuNPs by monofunctional triazole linked to ferrocene, ferricenium, or coumarin and applications to synthesis, sensing, and catalysisLi, N; Zhao, P; Igartua, ME; Rapakousiou, A; Salmon, L; Moya, S; Ruiz, J; Astruc, D. Inorg. Chem., 2014, 53, 11802-11808
"click" chemistry mildly stabilizes bifunctional gold nanoparticles for sensing and catalysisLi, N; Zhao, P; Liu, N; Echeverria, M; Moya, S; Salmon, L; Ruiz, J; Astruc, D. Chem. Eur. J., 2014, 20, 8363-8369