

The CIC biomaGUNE Strategic Plan includes a commitment to 10 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and foresees the implementation of measures to ensure ethics, sustainability, transparency, compliance, and respect for the environment.




CIC biomaGUNE promotes sustainability actions to reduce the impact generated by our research activities. These actions are in line with the MSCA Green Charter and the UN´s Sustainable Development Goals, and include:

  • Reducing energy consumption across all facilities
  • Promoting environmental sustainability laboratory practices
  • Managing waste to minimize generation and explore recovery alternatives
  • Explore alternatives to reduce raw material consumption, or the use of materials with lower environmental impact
  • Prioritizing “green purchasing” of project-related materials promoting local or national sources
  • Implementing a sustainable mobility plan to reduce carbon footprint, including using low-emission forms of transport
  • Ensuring sustainable practices at project events by minimizing single-use materials and promoting low-emission travel or virtual meetings when appropriate

In 2022, CIC biomaGUNE created a sustainability committee focused on enhancing environmental practices, including improving public transport options, promoting recycling, encouraging the repair and reuse of materials, and conducting thorough analyses of product and company compliance with green policies, such as the use of reusable containers.

Actions conducted thus far:

  • Single-use plastics analysis:In 2024, CIC biomaGUNE agreed to take part in a pilot project led by Merck  to study the amount and types of plastic produced in the laboratory and take part in a follow-up analysis program to identify possibilities to recycle single-use plastics (SUPs) and/or on-site processing.
  • Plastic caps recycling: Since 2022, CIC biomaGUNE has participated in the "Caps for a new life®" project in collaboration with the Foundation SEUR, involving the recycling of plastic caps to help children with serious health problems. This initiative not only aids in funding medical treatments but also contributes to a reduction in CO2 by diverting plastic from landfills and promoting recycling. More information here.
  • Computers recycling: In collaboration with IZT, CIC biomaGUNE participates in the Digilagun initiative by donating computers and other IT related hardware. The objectives of the Digilagun project are, on the one hand, to extend the life of computers in order to reduce the ecological footprint and, on the other hand, to contribute to reducing the growing digital divide in society. To this end, IZT ensures that the computers are cleaned of sensitive information and prepared for a new use. More information: CIC biomaGUNE News
  • Reusable ethanol bottles: Since 2023, CIC biomaGUNE has successfully integrated the use of reusable metallic ethanol bottles, thus totally eliminating SUPs from the ethanol supply chain.
  • Energy consumption reduction: CIC biomaGUNE has implemented multiple actions to lower energy use, including optimizing lighting systems with energy-efficient LED installations, improving temperature regulation systems, and implementing automated controls to minimize energy waste during off-hours. These initiatives contribute to the center’s commitment to sustainable energy practices and align with broader goals to reduce its overall environmental impact.
    • 2023 Annual Energy Consumption:
      • Electricity: 2,452,606 Kwh, which represents 469,441 Kwh less than in 2021,  equivalent to 117 tCO2eq
      • Gas: 223,696.00 Kwh, which represents 305,418 Kwh less than in 2021,  equivalent to 76 tCO2eq
  • Green mobility: CIC biomaGUNE has a mobility plan including actions aimed to promote sustainable commuting options and reduce the carbon footprint of its employees. Some actions include:
    • Car-pooling: Together with the Science Park “Parke,” CIC biomaGUNE promotes a car-sharing system. You can find more information on the car pooling webpage.
    • Green mobility campaigns, to promote sustainable commuting options, such as eco-friendly mobility such as biking, walking, car-pooling, or public transport. More info


  • Active participation in the Euskadi Technological Park Network´s Mobility and Sustainability Committee. Through this platform, we share ideas, initiatives, and strategies to foster sustainable practices, thus contributing to regional environmental goals: Parke verde y Parke Smart.

Next steps:

  • Recyclable gloves: For 2025 we have set a new goal of introducing recyclable gloves to remove the estimated 100,000 gloves per year (as calculated internally) from land field. This project will take place under the “RightCycle” Program, led by Kimberly Clark, who recycle the gloves into new plastic products, saving an approximate 60-80% of CO2 compared to the creation of new plastic materials from crude oil extraction.

Contribution to SDGs

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Research conducted at CIC biomaGUNE aims to develop innovative solutions that address health challenges. Investigation conducted at CIC biomaGUNE is aligned with the aims of Horizon Europe, the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy, and the 2030 Basque Strategy for Science, Technology & Innovation, among others. 

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  • Work conducted at CIC biomaGUNE contributes to increasing the number of people who have relevant technical and vocational skills aimed at improving employment opportunities and entrepreneurship.
  • Dissemination and outreach actions aimed at promoting STEAM areas among girls and women, including highlighting the figure of women in science, and thus contributing to the elimination of gender disparities in education to ensure equal access to all at all levels of education and vocational training.

For more information about Education, check: Careers
For more information about Outreach, check: Outreach

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  • CIC biomaGUNE conducts a triannual equality analysis and action plan with the aim of:
    • Ensuring women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making
    • Promoting initiatives that contribute to gender equity, leadership diversity, and an inclusive, discrimination-free environment

For more information about our Equality Plan check, check: Equality

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  • Scientific Research activities upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors encouraging innovation and contribute to increasing the number of research and development workers and public and private research and development spending.
  • Activities to promote technology transfer and entrepreneurship at CIC biomaGUNE contribute to creativity and innovation, and promotion of sustainable economic growth.
  • Measures contemplated in our Equality Plan and in the Prevention protocol of, and action against, sexual or gender-based workplace harassment , contribute to:
    • Achieving a full and productive employment and fair work for all women and men, including equal pay for work of equal value.
    • Promoting a safe and secure work environment

For more information about our Equality Plan check, check: Equality

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Activities to promote technology transfer enhance scientific research and upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors encouraging innovation and contribute to increasing the number of research and development workers and public and private research and development spending.

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  • Measures contemplated in our Equality Plan contribute to empower and promote the inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.
  • Subcontracting services to special employment centers promotes the social inclusion of all people, regardless of their conditions and circumstances.
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Actions to promote selective waste collection will contribute, with a view to 2030, to a substantial reduction in the generation of waste by means of prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse policies.

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Actions carried out in the responsible energy consumption have contributed to reducing the environmental impact (reduction of greenhouse gas emissions) of the Centre's activity and to improving the energy efficiency of the building.

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The Anti-Fraud Protocol, the Protocol for Dealing with Conflicts of Interest, and the Code of Ethics contribute to substantially reducing corruption and bribery that may occur in CIC biomaGUNE, with the goal to create an accountable and transparent institution at all levels.

More information about CIC biomaGUNE Compliance Policy and Code of Ethics: Corporate compliance

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Our Research Program is conducted in collaboration with regional, national and international partners. We aim at fostering external cooperation and knowledge sharing by integrating our knowledge and research infrastructure within international consortia and networks.