Deadline: 15/01/2025
Published: 12/12/2024
A PhD fellowship between the Molecular and Functional Biomarker Group at CIC biomaGUNE, led by Dr. Jesús Ruiz-Cabello, and the Neurogenetics, RNA biology and Therapies Group at Biogipuzkoa HRI, led by Dr. Lorea Blazquez

The selected candidate will contribute to cutting-edge research in developing novel therapies and nanoformulations for various diseases, with a specific focus on glioblastoma. The work will involve investigating innovative drug delivery routes, leveraging advanced imaging technologies, imaging-guided…

Deadline: 20/01/2025
Published: 02/01/2025
A post doctoral position is offered at the Soft Matter Nanotechnology lab for candidates with background in biology and biochemistry, interested in working at the interface with biomaterials

We are looking for a post doctoral research with background in biology, interested at working at the interface with biomaterials and drug delivery, who will be doing research in photodynamic and gene therapy while supporting on going projects within the soft matter nanotechnology laboratory

The candidate must have a background in biochemistry, or biology…

Deadline: 20/01/2025
Published: 02/01/2025
We are looking for a dedicated post doct interested in participating in a multidisciplinary work at the interface of material science and neurosciences. A strong background in polymer science is necessary.

The soft matter nanotechnology group is looking for a commited post doct fellow with a strong background in polymer synthesis, which is interested in joining a multidisciplinary team and develop polymer coatings for interfacing neurons.  Besides synthetic background it is expected that the candidate will be interested in conducting physico chemical characterization of the coatings,…