Funding Agency | Call Identifier | Title | Acronym | Project Code | Responsible | Fellow | Start Date | End Date | Status |
European Commission - Horizon Europe | HORIZON-MSCA-SE-2023-01 (Staff Exchanges) | Therapeutic Bacteria Biohybrids For Oncology Treatment This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101182953 |
THERABOT | 101182953 | Sergio Moya | 2025-01-01 | 2028-12-31 | Accepted | |
European Commission - Horizon Europe | HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-DN 2022 Doctoral Networks | A training network for the design of synthetic carbohydrate-based vaccines in the fight against multi-drug resistant (or antibiotic resistant) nosocomial pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101119795 |
ACINETWORK | 101119795 | Sergio Moya | Erick Cordero | 2024-02-01 | 2028-01-31 | Active |
Spanish Research Agency - AEI | Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2022 (former FPI) | Non-viral vector for CAR-T cell therapy Grant PRE2022-103870 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by ESF+ |
PRE2022-103870 | Sergio Moya | Sofia Zuffi | 2023-11-01 | 2026-09-07 | Active | |
European Commission - Horizon Europe | EIC Pathfinder OPEN 2022 | Wirelessly deep BRAIN Stimulation Treatment using multifunctiOnal nanomateRial with engineered Magnetic properties This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101099355 |
BRAINSTORM | 101099355 | Sergio Moya | 2023-04-01 | 2027-03-31 | Active | |
European Commission - Horizon Europe | HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-35: Advanced characterisation methodologies to assess and predict the health and environmental risks of nanomaterials (RIA) (Cluster 4 - DIGITAL, INDUSTRY and SPACE) | Platform Optimisation To Enable NanomaTerIAL safety assessment for rapid commercialisation This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101092901 |
POTENTIAL | 101092901 | Sergio Moya | 2023-01-01 | 2026-12-31 | Active | |
Spanish Research Agency - AEI | Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores (FPI 2021) | Non viral Gene Vectors based on supramolecular Polyamine Nanoparticles: Self Assembly, Physical Chemistry, Translocation studies and Transfection Grant PRE2021-101039 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ESF+ |
PRE2021-101039 | Sergio Moya | Alejandro Fabrega Puentes | 2023-01-01 | 2026-12-31 | Active | |
European Commission - Horizon Europe | EIC Pathfinder CHALLENGES 2021 | Distributed and federated cross-modality actuation through advanced nanomaterials and neuromorphic learning This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101070908 |
CROSSBRAIN | 101070908 | Sergio Moya | 2022-11-01 | 2026-10-31 | Active | |
European Commission - H2020 | H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 | Supramolecular Polyamine Gene Vectors for Cancer Therapy This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101008072 |
SUPRO-GEN | 101008072 | Sergio Moya | 2021-09-01 | 2026-02-28 | Active | |
Spanish Research Agency - AEI | «Proyectos I+D+i» 2020 - Modalidad «Retos Investigación» | Non viral Gene Vectors based on supramolecular Polyamine Nanoparticles: Self Assembly, Physical Chemistry, Translocation studies and
Transfection Grant PID2020-114356RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 |
GENNANOPOL | PID2020-114356RB-I00 | Sergio Moya | 2021-09-01 | 2025-08-31 | Active | |
Basque Government | Ayudas a proyectos de investigación y desarrollo en salud (RIS3) 2023 | Aplicación de nano-compuestos como sistema de entrega no viral para el desarrollo de terapias CAR-T Basque Government, R&D Projects in Health 2023 (Grant no. 2023333023) |
CART (2) | 2023333023 | Sergio Moya | 2023-01-01 | 2023-12-31 | Finalised | |
Basque Government | Azpitek 2022 | Adquisición de un espectrómetro de masas de alta resolución con analizadores de tipo movilidad iónica, cuadrupolo y tiempo de vuelo y equipado con un cromatógrafo de alta resolución Subvencionado por el Gobierno Vasco Azpitek 2022 (PZ-2022/00014) / Eusko Jaurlaritzak diruz lagunduta Azpitek 2022 (PZ-2022/00014) / Basque Government project PZ-2022/00014 funded by the AZPITEK 2022 program |
QTOF | PZ-2022/00014 | Fernando López Gallego, Niels Reichardt, Sergio Moya | 2022-04-09 | 2022-12-31 | Finalised | |
Basque Government | Ayudas a proyectos de investigación y desarrollo en salud (RIS3) 2022 | Aplicación de nano-compuestos como sistema de entrega no viral para el desarrollo de terapias CAR-T Basque Government, R&D Projects in Health (Grant no. 2022333031) |
CART | 2022333031 | Sergio Moya | 2022-01-01 | 2022-12-31 | Finalised | |
Basque Government | Elkartek 2020 - Fase I | Desarrollo de vectores no virales para terapia génica con aplicaciones oncológicas y en inmunoterapia Basque Government project KK-2020/00010 under the ELKARTEK 2020 program |
bmG20-2 | KK-2020/00010 | Sergio Moya | 2021-01-01 | 2022-03-31 | Finalised | |
Basque Government | Elkartek 2020 - Fase I | Desarrollo de vectores no virales para terapia génica con aplicaciones oncológicas y en inmunoterapia Basque Government project KK-2020/00010 under the ELKARTEK 2020 program |
bmG20-1 | KK-2020/00010 | Sergio Moya | 2020-01-01 | 2021-06-30 | Finalised | |
Spanish Research Agency - AEI | Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formacion de doctores (FPI) 2018 | Grant PRE2018-084542 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by "ESF Investing in your future" |
PRE2018-084542 | Sergio Moya, Ander Abarrategi López | Raquel Ruiz Hernandez | 2019-09-01 | 2023-08-31 | Finalised | |
COST | COST Open Call OC-2018-1 | Innovation with Glycans: new frontiers from synthesis to new biological targets |
INNOGLY | CA18103 | Sergio Moya | 2019-04-08 | 2023-04-07 | Finalised | |
European Commission - H2020 | H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 | Hemoglobin-based Protein Nanocarriers for Tumour Oxygenation and a more effective Photodynamic Therapy This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 823879 |
OXIGENATED | 823879 | Sergio Moya | 2019-03-01 | 2024-08-31 | Finalised | |
European Commission - H2020 | MSCA-ITN-2018 Innovative Training Networks (ITN) | Glyco-Nanoparticles for Applications in Advance Nanomedicine This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 814236 |
NanoCarb | 814236 | Sergio Moya, Jordi Llop | Tanja Ursula Lüdtke | 2018-10-01 | 2023-03-31 | Finalised |
Basque Government | Ayudas Organizacion de Congresos - IKERBILERAK 2018_2 | 1st International Workshop in Self-assembly and Hierarchical Materials in Biomedicine: Drug Delivery, Tissue Engineering, Sensing and Safety Issues |
RC_2018_2_0015 | Sergio Moya | 2018-06-26 | 2019-02-26 | Finalised | ||
Spanish Research Agency - AEI | RETOS I+D - 2017 | Biological Fate, Stability, Translocation, and Protein Corona Formation of Polymer Nanocarriers based on Polyelectrolytes, Proteins and biodegradable Polymers. Grant MAT2017-88752-R funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by "ERDF A way of making Europe" |
FATENANOPOL | MAT2017-88752-R | Sergio Moya | 2018-01-01 | 2020-12-31 | Finalised | |
European Commission - H2020 | NMBP-12-2017 | BIOmaterial RIsk MAnagement This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 760928 |
BIORIMA | 760928 | Sergio Moya | 2017-11-01 | 2022-01-31 | Finalised | |
Gipuzkoa Provincial Council | RED Infraestructura_2016 (Programa Red Guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación) | ADQUISICIóN DE UN MICROSCOPIO CONFOCAL DE FLUORESCENCIA (CONFOCAL) |
CONFOCAL | 36/16 | Luis Liz-Marzan, Juan Mareque, Maurizio Prato, Sergio Moya | 2016-06-01 | 2017-09-30 | Finalised | |
ERA-NET SIINN | ERA-NET SIINN - 2014 Call | Translocation, biological fate, stability and effective dose of engineered NMs for nanosafety studies |
FATENANO | ID n46 | Sergio Moya, Jordi Llop | 2016-05-01 | 2019-04-30 | Finalised | |
Basque Government | ELKARTEK 2016 | Investigación colaborativa en nuevas técnicas de imagen y biomateriales para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades del sistema nervioso central |
biomaGUNE 2016 | KK-2016/00023 | Pedro Ramos Cabrer, Luis Liz-Marzan, Ralf Richter, Sergio Moya, Torsten Reese | 2016-01-01 | 2018-04-30 | Finalised | |
Spanish Research Agency - AEI | Acciones de Programacion Conjunta Internacional | Translocacion, destino biologico, estabilidad y dosis efectiva de nanomateriales para estudios de nanoseguridad Grant PCIN-2015-116 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by the "European Union" |
FATENANO | PCIN-2015-116 | Sergio Moya, Jordi Llop | 2015-12-01 | 2019-05-31 | Finalised | |
Spanish Research Agency - AEI | Formacion personal Investigador (FPI) | - |
BES-2014-070212 | Sergio Moya | 2015-04-13 | 2019-04-12 | Finalised | ||
European Commission - H2020 | MSCA-RISE-2014 | Hybrid Drug Delivery Systems upon Mesoporous Materials, Self Assembled Therapeutics and Virosomes This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 645686 |
HYMADE | 645686 | Sergio Moya, Luis Liz-Marzan | 2015-01-02 | 2019-01-31 | Finalised | |
European Commission - FP7 | FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES | Hierarchical Functionalization of Graphene for Multiple device fabrication |
HIGRAPHEN | 612704 | Sergio Moya | 2014-03-01 | 2018-02-28 | Finalised | |
MINECO | RETOS I+ D - 2013 | Translocacion, Destino Biologico y Biointeracciones de Nanomateriales con Aplicaciones Biomedicas e Industriales para su Evaluacion Toxicologica. |
NanoFATE | MAT2013-48169-R | Sergio Moya, Jordi Llop | 2014-01-01 | 2016-12-31 | Finalised | |
Basque Government | Proyectos de Investigacion Basica y/o aplicada | Translocacion, Destino Biologico y Biointeracciones de Nanomateriales con Aplicaciones Biomedicas e Industriales para su Evaluacion Toxicologica. |
PI_2014_1_90 | Sergio Moya, Jordi Llop | 2014-01-01 | 2016-12-31 | Finalised | ||
European Commission - FP7 | FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP | Design of a versatile and fast colloidal sensor based on virus modified particles |
VIROMA | 612453 | Sergio Moya | 2013-11-01 | 2017-10-31 | Finalised | |
European Commission - FP7 | NMP.2012.1.3-1 | Biological Foundation for the Safety Classification of Engineered Nanomaterials (ENM): Systems Biology Approaches to Understand Interactions of ENM with Living Organisms and the Environment |
NANOSOLUTIONS | 309329 | Sergio Moya | 2013-04-01 | 2017-03-31 | Finalised | |
European Commission - FP7 | FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES | Translocation and Safe Design of Surface Engineered Metal oxide Nanoparticles |
BRASINOEU | 318916 | Sergio Moya | 2013-01-01 | 2016-12-31 | Finalised | |
European Commission - FP7 | NMP.2011.1.2-3 | Regenerable active polyelectrolyte nanofiltration menbranes for water reuse and metal/acid recovery |
LbLBRANE | 281047 | Sergio Moya | 2012-02-01 | 2015-01-31 | Finalised | |
European Commission - FP7 | INFRA-2010-1.1.31 | A pan-European infrastructure for quality in nanomaterials safety testing |
QNANO | 262163 | Sergio Moya | 2011-02-01 | 2015-01-31 | Finalised | |
MINECO | Plan Nacional - PN I+D - 2010 | Fabrication of devices for controlled drug delivery on the base of polyectrolyte multilayers and the study of the assembly and transport properties of polymeric devices |
MAT2010-18995 | Sergio Moya | 2011-01-01 | 2014-06-30 | Finalised | ||
MINECO | Acciones integradas - International cooperation project | Studies of toxicity and biodistribution of magnetic nanoparticles with biomedical applications |
PIB2010BZ-00438 | Sergio Moya | 2010-12-15 | 2013-12-14 | Finalised | ||
European Commission - FP7 | FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES | Transport studies on polymer bases nanodevices and assemblies for delivery and sensing |
TRASNADE | 247656 | Sergio Moya | 2010-12-01 | 2014-05-31 | Finalised | |
European Commission - FP7 | FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IAPP | Design of Novel Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Based Delivery Systems for Therapeutic Antibodies and siRNA |
DesiRNA | 251646 | Sergio Moya | 2010-06-01 | 2014-05-31 | Finalised | |
Basque Government | ETORTEK | Investigacion estrategica y desarrollo tecnologico en nanoseguridad. Estudio de los efectos en salud de nanoparticulas y materiales nanoestructurados. |
biomaGUNE 2010 | ETORTEK 2010 | Sergio Moya | 2010-01-01 | 2012-12-31 | Finalised | |
European Commission - FP7 | NMP-2008-1.3-2 | Health Impact of Engineered Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Response, Bioimaging and Distribution atCellular and Body |
HINAMOX | 228825 | Sergio Moya | 2009-10-01 | 2012-09-30 | Finalised | |
MINECO | PROFIT | Prediction system and technology for the active liberation of compounds for glaucoma surgery |
Sergio Moya | 2008-01-01 | 2008-12-31 | Finalised | |||
MINECO | Acciones Complementarias | Preparacion y elaboracion de propuestas para vii programa marco y otros programa del era: Hinamox, Bionabide, Nanovest, Nanochair. CIC biomaGUNE-Europa |
MAT2008-02753-E/MAT | Sergio Moya | 2007-11-30 | 2008-11-29 | Finalised | ||
MINECO | Plan Nacional - PN I+D - 2007 | Templation of devices for controlled delivery upon layer by layer films and polymer brushes. Dynamic studies in nanostructured polymer films |
MAT2007-60458 | Sergio Moya | 2007-01-10 | 2010-09-30 | Finalised | ||
MINECO | Ramon y Cajal | RYC-2006-001812 | Sergio Moya | 2006-11-15 | 2011-11-14 | Finalised |