In vivo imaging of dopaminergic neurotransmission after transient focal ischemia in rats
Martín, A; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Sebastián, ES; Padró, D; Markuerkiaga, I; Llarena, I; Llop, J.
J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab., 2013, 33, 244-252
Biocompatible nanocomposite for PET/MRI hybrid imaging
Comes Franchini, M; Pucci, A; Locatelli, E; Naddaka, M; Milani; Passoni, L; Matteoli, M; Llop, J; Reese, T; Israel, LL; Lellouche, JP; Gil, L; Gomez-Vallejo, V.
Int. J. Nanomed., 2012, 7, 6021-6033
Facile and improved synthesis of [11C]Me-QNB
Gómez-Vallejo, V; González-Esparza, M; Llop, J.
J. Label. Compd. Radiopharm., 2012, 55, 470-473
Tracing nanoparticles in vivo: A new general synthesis of positron emitting metal oxide nanoparticles by proton beam activation
Pérez-Campaña, C; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Martin, A; San Sebastián, E; Moya, SE; Reese, T; Ziolo, RF; Llop, J.
Analyst, 2012, 137, 4902-4906
Biodistribution and metabolism of 11C-labeled Kendine 91 in mice and rats
Gómez-Vallejo, V; Martín, A; Aginagalde, M; San Sebastian, E; Padro, D; Cossío, FP; Llop, J.
Appl. Radiat. Isot., 2012, 70, 2545-2551
Synthesis of 11C-labeled Kendine 91, a histone deacetylase inhibitor
Aginagalde, M; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Vara, Y; Cossío, FP; Llop, J.
Appl. Radiat. Isot., 2012, 70, 2552-2557
Synthesis of novel pyrazole derivatives incorporating one dicarba-closo-dodecaborane unit
Vázquez, N; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Llop, J.
Tetrahedron Lett., 2012, 53, 4743-4746
Synthesis of 13N-labelled radiotracers by using microfluidic technology
Gaja, V; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Cuadrado-Tejedor, M; Borrell, JI; Llop, J.
J. Label. Compd. Radiopharm., 2012, 55, 332-338
Positron emission tomograghy with [ 13N]ammonia evidences long-term cerebral hyperperfusion after 2h-transient focal ischemia
Martín, A; SAN Sebastián, E; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Llop, J.
Neuroscience, 2012, 213, 47-53
Positron emission tomography with 11C-flumazenil in the rat shows preservation of binding sites during the acute phase after 2h-transient focal ischemia
Rojas, S; Martín, A; Pareto, D; Herance, J; Abad, S; Ruíz, A; Flotats, N; Gispert, J; Llop, J; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Planas, A.
Neuroscience, 2011, 182, 208-216
Synthesis of D2 receptor ligand analogs incorporating one dicarba-closo-dodecaborane unit
Vázquez, N; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Calvo, J; Padro, D; Llop, J.
Tetrahedron Lett., 2011, 52, 615-618