The computational simulation of biological processes is…
12.00pm, Seminar Room
Dr. Juan José Nogueira
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
12.00pm, Seminar Room
Dr. Pedro Ramos
Nestled within our skull lies a three-pound marvel: the…
12.00pm, Seminar Room
Prof. Wiktor Lewandowski
(University of Warsaw, Poland)
12.00pm, Seminar Room
Dr. Gloria Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza
(CIMA University of Navarra)
In vertebrates, the liver is the central metabolic organ…
12.00pm, Seminar Room
Prof. Joseph M. DeSimone
(Stanford University, USA)
The production of polymeric products relies largely on…
12.00pm, Seminar Room
Dr. Rebeca Alonso Bartolomé
(Chief Scientific Officer at Nanovex Biotechnologies)
The talk aims to give an overview of Nanovex, from its…
12.00pm, Seminar Room
Arkaitz Carracedo
The products of metabolic pathways serve unexpected…
12.00pm, Seminar Room
Prof. Roberto Bassi
(University of Verona, Italy)
Photosynthetic organisms interface the sun energy flow…
12.00pm, Seminar Room
Edward Gardner
(Royal Society of Chemistry, UK)
When you've done interesting and valuable research you…