Even if new molecules are discovered to treat severe…
Prof. Patrick Couvreur
(UMR CNRS 8612, France)
Prof. Jacob Fog Bentzon
Experimental research in animals is an important tool to…
Dr. Valeria Caiolfa
Protein interactions, dimerization and clustering are…
Junkal Garmendia
(Universidad Pública de Navarra)
Respiratory diseases are a major threat to public health…
Dr. Juan Marques Rodriguez
(MSD, Mexico)
Translational medicine (TM) is defined by the European…
Prof. Adriaan Lammertsma
( VU University Medical Center)
Positron emission tomography (PET) is the most selective…
Dr. Ester Vázquez
(Instituto Regional de investigación Científica Aplicada - IRICA)
The synthesis of different soft hydrophilic polymeric…
Prof. Paolo Bernardi
(University of Padova, Italy)
Mitochondria can undergo a Ca2+-dependent increase of…
Giordano Traini
Despite the tremendous potential of Toll-like receptor (…