Understanding and predictingprostate cancer aggressivenessthrough the deconstruction ofcell signaling and metabolism

12.00pm, Seminar Room

Arkaitz Carracedo


The products of metabolic pathways serve unexpected purposes in the process of cancer cell growthand dissemination. Despite the better understanding of the signaling and metabolic events thatcontribute to cancer, the field has not yet clarified how these events are coordinately elicited, and,importantly, what differential signaling and metabolic cues drive cancer initiation and metastasis.In order to decipher metabolic drivers of cancer, we envisioned a study that integrates bioinformaticsscreening, genetic mouse modeling and integrative metabolomics. We based our studies on theinterplay between the signaling and metabolism in prostate cancer. We will provide an integratedperspective of the means and regulation of the signaling-metabolic switch in this disease emergingupon cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic perturbations. Specifically, we will elaborate on the distinct use offuel for growth and the identification of signaling and metabolic pathways that serve to sustainbiological processes related to disease progression. We will present the advantages of publictranscriptomics dataset analysis through pre-existing and dedicated web interfaces to unveil geneexpression changes that exhibit prognostic potential.