CIC biomaGUNE formalized in 2020 a journey and a commitment to equality that has been developing since the beginning of the activity and that it intends to maintain over time.

Our commitment stems not only from a legal compliance but also from the opportunity represented by being able to generate consensus that allows us to deepen and improve our culture, based on shared values and made explicit through our R&D&I Policy and other directives that we have been adopting over the years.

In April 2020, the Negotiating Commission for the Equality Plan was established. The work team, made up of three representatives of the workers and three from the company, has worked together in the different phases for the development of an Equality Plan.

A diagnosis of the situation regarding equality has been prepared in which quantitative and qualitative indicators have been analyzed, and the conclusions obtained have determined the Equality Plan 2020-2023. This document is conceived as an internal improvement process, affecting the processes, communication and learning, but also as a driving element with an external impact on our network of collaborators.

The Equality Plan 2020-2023 is structured around different goals to be implemented in this period, divided into action programmes, that correspond to the areas of intervention mentioned in the standard (art. 46.2 LOI):

  • Selection and contracting.
  • Professional classification
  • Training
  • Professional promotion
  • Salary policy
  • Joint responsibility for the rights to a personal, family and work life.
  • Infra-representation of women
  • Payments
  • Prevention of sexual and gender-based harassment.


The programmes are also grouped along 5 major lines, following the structure of what was analysed in the diagnosis: A. Culture and strategy; B. People management and working conditions; C. Communication; D. Activity and environment and D. Research career development.

We publicly present this Equality Plan with the conviction that its application will make CIC biomaGUNE a more effective, fairer center, and more committed to democratic values, being also a turning point that will lead to a more just society adapted to the needs and values of the 20th century


CIC biomaGUNE Equality Plan (2020-2023)

Plan de igualdad de CIC biomaGUNE (2020-2023)

Equality Report 2020

Equality Report 2021

Equality Report 2022

Equality Report 2023

Informe de Igualdad 2021

Protocol of prevention and action against workplace, sexual, or gender-based harassment