Postdoctoral Seminar: Spatial Organization of Immobilized Multienzyme Systems Improves the Deracemization of Alkyl Glyceryl Ethers

12.00pm, Seminar Room

Daniel Grajales

Current tendencies in the chemical and pharma industries seek to develop more sustainable processes and strategies to obtain building blocks and precursors for a broad gamma of drugs.
The need to meet techno-economical requirements for these has opened the search for finely organization of enzymes performing enzymatic cascades, aiming to mimicking cellular networks. In this sense, spatial organization of enzymes enables substrates and intermediaries to be sequentially delivered to the next step or enzyme active site without its diffusion into the bulk, minimizing side reactions, inhibition, among other phenomena.

In this talk, we are going to explore one successful example in which the spatial organization of a multienzyme system in a heterogeneous biocatalyst helps to improve the outcome of the deracemization of building blocks for the pharma industry. The talk will focus on the techniques used in the Heterogeneous biocatalysis laboratory used to achieved this goal, as well as understand the phenomena behind it, from enzyme immobilization to confocal microscopy.