Dynamic in vitro 4D bioprinted models

12.00pm, Seminar Room

Ane Urigoitia

(CIC biomaGUNE)

3D in vitro tissue models are a valuable tool in biomedical research for elucidating certain biological processes, disease modeling and high-throughput drug screening. They offer greater complexity than 2D cell cultures and have the potential to reduce animal testing due to ethical concerns, while recreating human tissue more realistically1. The development of such sophisticated models requires advancements in cell engineering techniques, creation of new materials, and advanced imaging tools for accurate characterization. In this context, 3D bioprinting is a powerful technique for recreating the complex structure of tissues, enabling a reproducible, layer-by-layer deposition of bioink in predetermined patterns. Our work in the Hybrid Biofunctional Materials group focuses on the 3D bioprinting of cardiovascular and pulmonary models, tissues that are particularly dynamic due to the contracting and expanding movements associated with heart beating and lung breathing. These physiological motions have been shown to promote cell differentiation and tissue maturation2, highlighting the importance of reproducing them in in vitro models, which is highly challenging.