
Redox-Robust Pentamethylferrocene Polymers and Supramolecular Polymers, and Controlled Self-Assembly of Pentamethylferricenium Polymer-Embedded Ag, AgI, and Au Nanoparticles

Title: Redox-Robust Pentamethylferrocene Polymers and Supramolecular Polymers, and Controlled Self-Assembly of Pentamethylferricenium Polymer-Embedded Ag, AgI, and Au Nanoparticles

Gu H., Ciganda R., Castel P., Vax A., Gregurec D., Irigoyen J., Moya S., Salmon L., Zhao P., Ruiz J., Hernández R. and Astruc D.

Journal: Chem.-Eur. J., 21, 18177 - 18182 (2015)

The PMF polymers were synthesized by ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of a PMF-containing norbornene derivative by using the third-generation Grubbs ruthenium metathesis catalyst. Cyclic voltammetry studies allowed us to determine confidently the number of monomer units in the polymers through the Bard-Anson method. Stoichiometric oxidation by using ferricenium hexafluorophosphate quantitatively and instantaneously provided fully stable (even in aerobic solutions) blue d5 FeIII metallopolymers. Alternatively, oxidation of the PMF-containing polymers was conducted by reactions with AgI or AuIII, to give PMFium polymer-embedded Ag and Au nanoparticles (NPs). In the presence of I2, oxidation by using AgI gave polymer-embedded Ag/AgI NPs and AgNPs at the surface of AgI NPs. Oxidation by using AuIII also produced an AuI intermediate that was trapped and characterized. Engineered single-electron transfer reactions of these redox-robust nanomaterial precursors appear to be a new way to control their formation, size, and environment in a supramolecular way.