
Highly Efficient Transition Metal Nanoparticle Catalysts in Aqueous Solutions

Title: Highly Efficient Transition Metal Nanoparticle Catalysts in Aqueous Solutions

C Wang, R Ciganda, L Salmon, D Gregurec, J Irigoyen, S Moya, J Ruiz, D.Astruc

Journal: Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (9), 3091-3095, (2016)

A ligand design is proposed for transition metal nanoparticle (TMNP) catalysts in aqueous solution. A tris(triazolyl)-polyethylene glycol (tris-trz-PEG) amphiphilic ligand, 2, is used for the synthesis of very small TMNPs with Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ru, Pd, Ag, Pt, and Au. These TMNP-2 catalysts were evaluated and compared for the model 4-nitrophenol reduction, and proved to be extremely efficient. High catalytic efficiencies involving the use of only a few ppm metal of PdNPs, RuNPs, and CuNPs were also exemplified in Suzuki-Miyaura, transfer hydrogenation, and click reactions, respectively