
The Piccola Accademia di Gagliato delle Nanoscienze is the junior arm of the Accademia di Gagliato. It is targeted for children between the ages of 5 and 14 and offers them opportunity to achieve an understanding and appreciation for nanotechnology and its applications. It is a central part of the mission of the Accademia di Gagliato of to help people understand how nanoscale science can change their world for the better.

Patrizia Andreozzi, Postdoctoral Fellow and Fernando López-Gallego, Ikerbasque Research Fellow at CIC biomaGUNE participated at the Nanopiccola school online by giving a master talk on Nanoscience to children between 4 and 18 years. The online school connected CIC biomaGUNE with a High school in Matera and Gagliato both in Italy.