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Femtosecond Laser-Controlled Tip-to-Tip Assembly and Welding of Gold NanorodsGonzález-Rubio, G; González-Izquierdo, J; Bañares, L; Tardajos, G; Rivera, A; Altantzis, T; Bals, S; Peña-Rodríguez, O; Guerrero-Martínez, A; Liz-Marzán, LM. Nano Lett., 2015, 15, 8282-8288
Engineering Structural Diversity in Gold Nanocrystals by Ligand-Mediated Interface ControlWang, Y; Sentosun, K; Li, A; Coronado-Puchau, M; Sánchez-Iglesias, A; Li, S; Su, X; Bals, S; Liz-Marzán, LM. Chem. Mater., 2015, 27, 8032-8040
Redox-Robust Pentamethylferrocene Polymers and Supramolecular Polymers, and Controlled Self-Assembly of Pentamethylferricenium Polymer-Embedded Ag, AgI, and Au NanoparticlesGu, H; Ciganda, R; Castel, P; Vax, A; Gregurec, D; Irigoyen, J; Moya, S; Salmon, L; Zhao, P; Ruiz, J; Hernández, R; Astruc, D. Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 18177-18186
Fabrication of hybrid graphene oxide/polyelectrolyte capsules by means of layer-by-layer assembly on erythrocyte cell templatesIrigoyen, J; Politakos, N; Diamanti, E; Rojas, E; Marradi, M; Ledezma, R; Arizmendi, L; Rodríguez, JA; Ziolo, RF; Moya, SE. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 2015, 6, 2310-2318
Metal Ion-dependent heavy chain transfer activity of TSG-6 mediates assembly of the cumulus-oocyte matrixBriggs, DC; Birchenough, HL; Ali, T; Rugg, MS; Waltho, JP; Ievoli, E; Jowitt, TA; Enghild, JJ; Richter, RP; Salustri, A; Milner, CM; Day, AJ. J. Biol. Chem., 2015, 290, 28708-28723
Photo-electrochemical Bioanalysis of Guanosine Monophosphate Using Coupled Enzymatic Reactions at a CdS/ZnS Quantum Dot ElectrodeSabir, N; Khan, N; Völkner, J; Widdascheck, F; del Pino, P; Witte, G; Riedel, M; Lisdat, F; Konrad, M; Parak, WJ. Small, 2015, 11, 5844-5850
Investigating the role of shape on the biological impact of gold nanoparticles in vitroTian, F; Clift, MJ; Casey, A; del Pino, P; Pelaz, B; Conde, J; Byrne, HJ; Rothen-Rutishauser, B; Estrada, G; de la Fuente, JM; Stoeger, T. Nanomedicine, 2015, 10, 2643-2657
Nice to know youHenriksen-Lacey, M; Giner-Casares, JJ. Science, 2015, 349, 1254-1254
A General Method for Solvent Exchange of Plasmonic Nanoparticles and Self-Assembly into SERS-Active MonolayersSerrano-Montes, AB; Jimenez de Aberasturi, D; Langer, J; Giner-Casares, JJ; Scarabelli, L; Herrero, A; Liz-Marzán, LM. Langmuir, 2015, 31, 9205-9213
Visualisation of dual radiolabelled poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticle degradation in vivo using energy-discriminant SPECTLlop, J; Jiang, P; Marradi, M; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Echeverría, M; Yu, S; Puigivila, M; Baz, Z; Szczupak, B; Pérez-Campaña, C; Mao, Z; Gao, C; Moya, SE. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, 3, 6293-6300
Influence of relative humidity and physical load during storage on dustiness of inorganic nanomaterials: implications for testing and risk assessmentLevin, M; Rojas, E; Vanhala, E; Vippola, M; Liguori, B; Kling, KI; Koponen, IK; Mølhave, K; Tuomi, T; Gregurec, D; Moya, S; Jensen, KA. J. Nanopart. Res., 2015, 17, 337
Controlled Living Nanowire Growth: Precise Control over the Morphology and Optical Properties of AgAuAg Bimetallic NanowiresMayer, M; Scarabelli, L; March, K; Altantzis, T; Tebbe, M; Kociak, M; Bals, S; García de Abajo, FJ; Fery, A; Liz-Marzán, LM. Nano Lett., 2015, 15, 5427-5437
Sensor Based on Aptamer Folding to Detect Low-Molecular Weight AnalytesOsypova, A; Thakar, D; Dejeu, J; Bonnet, H; Van der Heyden, A; Dubacheva, GV; Richter, RP; Defrancq, E; Spinelli, N; Coche-Guérente, L; Labbé, P. Anal. Chem., 2015, 87, 7566-7574
Monitoring Glycan-Protein Interactions by NMR Spectroscopic Analysis: A Simple Chemical Tag That Mimics Natural CH- InteractionsCalle, LP; Echeverria, B; Franconetti, A; Serna, S; Fernández-Alonso, MC; Diercks, T; Cañada, FJ; Ardá, A; Reichardt, N; Jiménez-Barbero, J. Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 11408-11416
Field-assisted self-assembly process: general discussionSun, Y; Scarabelli, L; Kotov, N; Tebbe, M; Lin, X; Brullot, W; Isa, L; Schurtenberger, P; Moehwald, H; Fedin, I; Velev, O; Faivre, D; Sorensen, C; Perzynski, R; Chanana, M; Li, Z; Bresme, F; Král, P; Firlar, E; Schiffrin, D; Souza Junior, JB; Fery, A; Shevchenko, E; Tarhan, O; Alivisatos, AP; Disch, S; Klajn, R; Ghosh, S. Faraday Discuss., 2015, 181, 463-479
Advances in Use of Capsule-Based Fluorescent Sensors for Measuring Acidification of Endocytic Compartments in Cells with Altered Expression of V-ATPase Subunit V1G1De Luca, M; Ferraro, MM; Hartmann, R; Rivera-Gil, P; Klingl, A; Nazarenus, M; Ramirez, A; Parak, WJ; Bucci, C; Rinaldi, R; del Mercato, LL. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 15052-15060
High Sensitivity, High Selectivity SERS Detection of MnSOD Using Optical Nanoantennas Functionalized with AptamersCottat, M; D’Andrea, C; Yasukuni, R; Malashikhina, N; Grinyte, R; Lidgi-Guigui, N; Fazio, B; Sutton, A; Oudar, O; Charnaux, N; Pavlov, V; Toma, A; Di Fabrizio, E; Gucciardi, PG; Lamy de la Chapelle, M. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119, 15532-15540
Application of photocatalytic cadmium sulfide nanoparticles to detection of enzymatic activities of glucose oxidase and glutathione reductase using oxidation of 3,3,5,5-tetramethylbenzidineGrinyte, R; Garai-Ibabe, G; Saa, L; Pavlov, V. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2015, 881, 131-138
Algal lectin binding to core ( 1-6) fucosylated N-glycans: Structural basis for specificity and production of recombinant proteindo Nascimento, ASF; Serna, S; Beloqui, A; Arda, A; Sampaio, AH; Walcher, J; Ott, D; Unverzagt, C; Reichardt, N; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Nascimento, KS; Imberty, A; Cavada, BS; Varrot, A. Glycobiology, 2015, 25, 607-616
Using surface enhanced raman scattering to analyze the interactions of protein receptors with bacterial quorum sensing modulatorsCostas, C; López-Puente, V; Bodelón, G; González-Bello, C; Pérez-Juste, J; Pastoriza-Santos, I; Liz-Marzán, LM. ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 5567-5576
Synergistic effects of hierarchical hybrid micro/nanostructures on the biological properties of titanium orthopaedic implantsLi, BE; Li, Y; Min, Y; Hao, JZ; Liang, CY; Li, HP; Wang, GC; Liu, SM; Wang, HS. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 49552-49558
Governing the morphology of Pt-Au heteronanocrystals with improved electrocatalytic performanceMourdikoudis, S; Chirea, M; Zanaga, D; Altantzis, T; Mitrakas, M; Bals, S; Liz-Marzán, LM; Pérez-Juste, J; Pastoriza-Santos, I. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 8739-8747
Cell uptake, intracellular distribution, fate and reactive oxygen species generation of polymer brush engineered CeO2-x NPsQiu, Y; Rojas, E; Murray, RA; Irigoyen, J; Gregurec, D; Castro-Hartmann, P; Fledderman, J; Estrela-Lopis, I; Donath, E; Moya, SE. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 6588-6598
Negatively charged glyconanoparticles modulate and stabilize the secondary structures of a gp120 V3 loop peptide: Toward fully synthetic HIV vaccine candidatesGianvincenzo, PD; Calvo, J; Perez, S; Álvarez, A; Bedoya, LM; Alcamí, J; Penadés, S. Bioconjugate Chem., 2015, 26, 755-765
Synthesis and redox activity of "clicked" triazolylbiferrocenyl polymers, network encapsulation of gold and silver nanoparticles and anion sensingRapakousiou, A; Deraedt, C; Irigoyen, J; Wang, Y; Pinaud, N; Salmon, L; Ruiz, J; Moya, S; Astruc, D. Inorg. Chem., 2015, 54, 2284-2299
Light-addressable and degradable silica capsules for delivery of molecular cargo to the cytosol of cellsOtt, A; Yu, X; Hartmann, R; Rejman, J; Schütz, A; Ochs, M; Parak, WJ; Carregal-Romero, S. Chem. Mater., 2015, 27, 1929-1942
Redox-active and DNA-binding coordination complexes of clotrimazoleBetanzos-Lara, S; Chmel, NP; Zimmerman, MT; Barrón-Sosa, LR; Garino, C; Salassa, L; Rodger, A; Brumaghim, JL; Gracia-Mora, I; Barba-Behrens, N. Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 3673-3685
Particle-based optical sensing of intracellular ions at the example of calcium - What are the experimental pitfalls?Kantner, K; Ashraf, S; Carregal-Romero, S; Carrillo-Carrion, C; Collot, M; del Pino, P; Heimbrodt, W; De Aberasturi, DJ; Kaiser, U; Kazakova, LI; Lelle, M; de Baroja, NM; Montenegro, JM; Nazarenus, M; Pelaz, B; Peneva, K; Gil, PR; Sabir, N; Schneider, LM; Shabarchina, LI; Sukhorukov, GB; Vazquez, M; Yang, F; Parak, WJ. Small, 2015, 11, 896-904
Solid-phase assembly of glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharide precursorsGuedes, N; Kopitzki, S; Echeverria, B; Pazos, R; Elosegui, E; Calvo, J; Reichardt, N. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 9325-9327
Unveiling nanometer scale extinction and scattering phenomena through combined electron energy loss spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence measurementsLosquin, A; Zagonel, LF; Myroshnychenko, V; Rodríguez-González, B; Tencé, M; Scarabelli, L; Förstner, J; Liz-Marzán, LM; García de Abajo, FJ; Stéphan, O; Kociak, M. Nano Lett., 2015, 15, 1229-1237
Comparing linear and cyclic synthetic homopolypeptides: Synthesis and molecular characterizationPolitakos, N; Liontos, G; Kortaberria, G; Messman, JM; Calvo, J; Moya, SE; Mays, JW; Avgeropoulos, A. J. Polym. Sci. Part. A, 2015, 53, 393-404
Ultrafast acoustic vibrations of bimetallic nanoparticlesStoll, T; Maioli, P; Crut, A; Burgin, J; Langot, P; Pellarin, M; Sánchez-Iglesias, A; Rodríguez-González, B; Liz-Marzán, LM; Del Fatti, N; Vallée, F. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119, 1591-1599
Palladium Nanoparticle-Loaded Cellulose Paper: A Highly Efficient, Robust, and Recyclable Self-Assembled Composite Catalytic SystemZheng, G; Kaefer, K; Mourdikoudis, S; Polavarapu, L; Vaz, B; Cartmell, SE; Bouleghlimat, A; Buurma, NJ; Yate, L; de Lera, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2015, 6, 230-238
Nanostructured indium tin oxide slides for small-molecule profiling and imaging mass spectrometry of metabolites by surface-assisted laser desorption ionization msLópez de Laorden, C; Beloqui, A; Yate, L; Calvo, J; Puigivila, M; Llop, J; Reichardt, N. Anal. Chem., 2015, 87, 431-440
Future perspectives towards the use of Nanomaterials for smart food packaging and quality controlJiang, X; Valdeperez, D; Nazarenus, M; Wang, Z; Stellacci, F; Parak, WJ; del Pino, P. Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 2015, 32, 408-416
Conjugation of polymer-coated gold nanoparticles with antibodies—synthesis and characterizationTan, G; Kantner, K; Zhang, Q; Soliman, M; del Pino, P; Parak, W; Onur, M; Valdeperez, D; Rejman, J; Pelaz, B. Nanomaterials, 2015, 5, 1297-1316
Regioselective Localization and Tracking of Biomolecules on Single Gold NanoparticlesRajeeva, BB; Hernandez, DS; Wang, M; Perillo, E; Lin, L; Scarabelli, L; Pingali, B; Liz-Marzán, LM; Dunn, AK; Shear, JB; Zheng, Y. Adv. Sci., 2015, , 1500232
Chemo-Enzymatic Synthesis of 13C Labeled Complex N-Glycans As Internal Standards for the Absolute Glycan Quantification by Mass SpectrometryEcheverria, B; Etxebarria, J; Ruiz, N; Hernandez,Calvo, J; Haberger, M; Reusch, D; Reichardt, NCAnal. Chem., 2015, 87, 11460-11467
Synthesis of a new F-18 labeled porphyrin for potential application in positron emission tomography. In vivo imaging and cellular uptakeSimões, AVC; Pinto, SMA; Calvete, MJF; Gomes, CMF; Ferreira, NC; Castelo-Branco, M; Llop, J; Pereira, MM; Abrunhosa, AJ. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 99540-99546
Gold nanoparticles are suitable cores for building tunable iminosugar multivalencyMatassini, C; Marradi, M; Cardona, F; Parmeggiani, C; Robina, I; Moreno-Vargas, AJ; Penadés, S; Goti, A. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 95817-95822
Prospects of nanoscience with nanocrystalsKovalenko, MV; Manna, L; Cabot, A; Hens, Z; Talapin, DV; Kagan, CR; Klimov, VI; Rogach, AL; Reiss, P; Milliron, DJ; Guyot-Sionnnest, P; Konstantatos, G; Parak, WJ; Hyeon, T; Korgel, BA; Murray, CB; Heiss, W. ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 1012-1057
Surface Functionalization of Nanoparticles with Polyethylene Glycol: Effects on Protein Adsorption and Cellular UptakePelaz, B; del Pino, P; Maffre, P; Hartmann, R; Gallego, M; Rivera-Fernández, S; de la Fuente, JM; Nienhaus, GU; Parak, WJ. ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 6996-7008
Crystalline domains in epitaxial Y(Ni0.5Mn0.5)O3 thin films grown by PLD on different STO substratesCoy, L; Rebled, J; Ventura, J; Yate, L; Ferrater, C; Langenberg, E; Polo, M; Xuriguera, E; Peiro, F; Varela, M. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2015, 324, 114-122
Toward defining the anatomo-proteomic puzzle of the human brain: An integrative analysisFernandez-Irigoyen, J; Labarga, A; Zabaleta, A; de Morentin, XM; Perez-Valderrama, E; Zelaya, MV; Santamaria, E. Proteomics Clin. Appl., 2015, 9, 796-807
Comparison of the in vitro uptake and toxicity of collagen-and synthetic polymer-coated gold nanoparticlesMarisca, O; Kantner, K; Pfeiffer, C; Zhang, Q; Pelaz, B; Leopold, N; Parak, W; Rejman, J. Nanomaterials, 2015, 5, 1418-1430
Lipidic nanovesicles stabilize suspensions of metal oxide nanoparticlesJiménez-Rojo, N; Lete, MG; Rojas, E; Gil, D; Valle, M; Alonso, A; Moya, SE; Goñi, FM. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 2015, 191, 84-90
Collective Plasmonic Properties in Few-Layer Gold Nanorod SupercrystalsHamon, C; Novikov, SM; Scarabelli, L; Solís, DM; Altantzis, T; Bals, S; Taboada, JM; Obelleiro, F; Liz-Marzán, LM. ACS Photonics, 2015, 2, 1482-1488
Radial growth of plasmon coupled gold nanowires on colloidal templatesFarrokhtakin, E; Rodríguez-Fernández, D; Mattoli, V; Solís, DM; Taboada, JM; Obelleiro, F; Grzelczak, M; Liz-Marzán, LM. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2015, 449, 87-91
Dissecting the molecular mechanism of apoptosis during photothermal therapy using gold nanoprismsPérez-Hernández, M; del Pino, P; Mitchell, SG; Moros, M; Stepien, G; Pelaz, B; Parak, WJ; Gálvez, EM; Pardo, J; de la Fuente, JM. ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 52-61
A gold glyco-nanoparticle carrying a listeriolysin O peptide and formulated with Advax™ delta inulin adjuvant induces robust T-cell protection against listeria infectionRodriguez-Del Rio, E; Marradi, M; Calderon-Gonzalez, R; Frande-Cabanes, E; Penadés, S; Petrovsky, N; Alvarez-Dominguez, C. Vaccine, 2015, 33, 1465-1473
Increasing DNA reactivity and in vitro antitumor activity of trans diiodido Pt(II) complexes with UVA lightNavas, F; Perfahl, S; Garino, C; Salassa, L; Novakova, O; Navarro-Ranninger, C; Bednarski, PJ; Malina, J; Quiroga, A. J. Inorg. Biochem., 2015, 153, 211-218
Cytokines and growth factors cross-link heparan sulfateMigliorini, E; Thakar, D; Kühnle, J; Sadir, R; Dyer, DP; Li, Y; Sun, C; Volkman, BF; Handel, TM; Coche-Guerente, L; Fernig, DG; Lortat-Jacob, H; Richter, RP. Open Biol., 2015, 5, 150046
Detection of mouse endogenous type B astrocytes migrating towards brain lesionsElvira, G; García, I; Gallo, J; Benito, M; Montesinos, P; Holgado-Martin, E; Ayuso-Sacido, A; Penadés, S; Desco, M; Silva, A; Garcia-Sanz, JA. Stem Cell Res., 2015, 14, 114-129
High-Content Imaging and Gene Expression Approaches To Unravel the Effect of Surface Functionality on Cellular Interactions of Silver NanoparticlesManshian, BB; Pfeiffer, C; Pelaz, B; Heimerl, T; Gallego, M; Möller, M; del Pino, P; Himmelreich, U; Parak, WJ; Soenen, SJ. ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 10431-10444
Measuring Lattice Strain in Three Dimensions through Electron MicroscopyGoris, B; De Beenhouwer, J; De Backer, A; Zanaga, D; Batenburg, KJ; Sánchez-Iglesias, A; Liz-Marzán, LM; Van Aert, S; Bals, S; Sijbers, J; Van Tendeloo, G. Nano Lett., 2015, 15, 6996-7001
Polymer Capsules as a Theranostic Tool for a Universal in Vitro Screening Assay - The Case of Lysosomal Storage DiseasesNazarenus, M; Abasolo, I; García-Aranda, N; Voccoli, V; Rejman, J; Cecchini, M; Schwartz, S; RiveraGil, P; Parak, WJ. Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 2015, 32, 991-998
Targeted diagnostic magnetic nanoparticles for medical imaging of pancreatic cancerRosenberger, I; Strauss, A; Dobiasch, S; Weis, C; Szanyi, S; Gil-Iceta, L; Alonso, E; González Esparza, M; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Szczupak, B; Plaza-García, S; Mirzaei, S; Israel, L; Bianchessi, S; Scanziani, E; Lellouche, J; Knoll, P; Werner, J; Felix, K; Grenacher, L; Reese, T; Kreuter, J; Jiménez-González, M. J. Control. Release, 2015, 214, 76-84