Correlation Between N-Glycan GnGnXF3 and the Allergic Immune Response Against Juniperus ashei Pollen.
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Quantifying Siglec-sialylated ligand interactions: a versatile 19F-T2 CPMG filtered competitive NMR displacement assay
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Plant-based production of a protective vaccine antigen against the bovine parasitic nematode Ostertagia ostertagi
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Structural Analysis and Characterization of an Antiproliferative Lectin from Canavalia villosa Seeds
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Structure-activity relationship of 2,4-D correlates auxinic activity with the induction of somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
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Versatile Urea Type Linker For Functionalisation of Natural Glycans and its Validation in Glycan Arrays
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Structural insights into a cooperative switch between one and two FimH bacterial adhesins binding pauci- and high-mannose type N-glycan receptors
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Human Milk Oligosaccharide 2´-Fucosyllactose Inhibits Ligand Binding to C-Type Lectin DC-SIGN but Not to Langerin
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A galactoside-specific Dalbergieae legume lectin from seeds of Vataireopsis araroba (Aguiar) Ducke
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Immobilization of Biantennary N-Glycans Leads to Branch Specific Epitope Recognition by LSECtin
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N-Glycans in Immortalized Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Are Critical for EV-Cell Interaction and Functional Activation of Endothelial Cells
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