Keratinocytes are capable of selectively sensing low amounts of graphene-based materials: Implications for cutaneous applications
Fusco, L; Pelin, M; Mukherjee, S; Keshavan, S; Sosa, S; Martin, C; Gonzalez, V; Vazquez, E; Prato, M; Fadeel, B; Tubaro, A
Carbon, 2020, 159, 598-610
Production and processing of graphene and related materials
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2D Mater., 2020, 7, 022001
Mass spectrometry of carbohydrate-protein interactions on a glycan array conjugated to CVD graphene surfaces
Merino, JP; Serna, S; Criado, A; Centeno, A; Napal, I; Calvo, J; Zurutuza, A; Reichardt, N; Prato, M.
2D Mater., 2020, 7, 024003
Concise, Single-Step Synthesis of Sulfur-Enriched Graphene: Immobilization of Molecular Clusters and Battery Applications
Omachi, H; Inoue, T; Hatao, S; Shinohara, H; Criado, A; Yoshikawa, H; Syrgiannis, Z; Prato, M.
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Metal-Free Photocatalysis: Two-Dimensional Nanomaterial Connection toward Advanced Organic Synthesis
Rosso, C; Filippini, G; Criado, A; Melchionna, M; Fornasiero, P; Prato, M.
ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 3621-3630
Banning carbon nanotubes would be scientifically unjustified and damaging to innovation
Heller, DA; Jena, PV; Pasquali, M; Kostarelos, K; Delogu, LG; Meidl, RE; Rotkin, SV; Scheinberg, DA; Schwartz, RE; Terrones, M; Wang, YH; Bianco, A; Boghossian, AA; Cambre, S; Cognet, L; Corrie, SR; Demokritou, P; Giordani, S; Hertel, T; Ignatova, T; Islam, MF; Iverson, NM; Jagota, A; Janas, D; Kono, J; Kruss, S; Landry, MP; Li, Y; Martel, R; Maruyama, S; Naumov, AV; Prato, M; Quinn, SJ; Roxbury, D; Strano, MS; Tour, JM; Weisman, RB; Wenseleers, W; Yudasaka, M
Nat. Nanotechnol., 2020, 15, 164-166-166
Supramolecular Chiral Discrimination of D-Phenylalanine Amino Acid Based on a Perylene Bisimide Derivative
Bettini, S; Syrgiannis, Z; Ottolini, M; Bonfrate, V; Giancane, G; Valli, L; Prato, M
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2020, 8, 160
Structural basis for substrate specificity and catalysis of alpha 1,6-fucosyltransferase
García-García, A; Ceballos-Laita, L; Serna, S; Artschwager, R; Reichardt, NC; Corzana, F; Hurtado-Guerrero, R.
Nat. Commun., 2020, 11, 973
Tuning Neuronal Circuit Formation in 3D Polymeric Scaffolds by Introducing Graphene at the Bio/Material Interface
Rauti, R; Secomandi, N; Martin, C; Bosi, S; Severino, FPU; Scaini, D; Prato, M; Vazquez, E; Ballerini, L
Adv. Biosys., 2020, 4, 1900233
Into the carbon: A matter of core and shell in advanced electrocatalysis
Melchionna, M; Fornasiero, P; Prato, M
APL Mater., 2020, 8, 020905
Tailored Methodology Based on Vapor Phase Polymerization to Manufacture PEDOT/CNT Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering
Dominguez-Alfaro, A; Alegret, N; Arnaiz, B; González-Domínguez, JM; Martin-Pacheco, A; Cossío, U; Porcarelli, L; Bosi, S; Vázquez, E; Mecerreyes, D; Prato, M.
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 2020, 6, 1269-1278