Neutron scattering to investigate complex systems formed by bio-macromolecules

Dr. Jose MarĂ­a Porro & - Dr. Viktor Petrenko

(BC Materials)

Neutron scattering techniques are widely being used to study the structure and dynamics of materials, mainly due to their very high innovative potential and the multiple applications they offer in areas such as life sciences, medicine, energy, the environment, and telecommunications, among others. In particular, neu-tron scattering methods outstand in probing the detailed structure of biological systems, which is intimate-ly linked to the interplay of multiple molecules, including proteins and lipids. In this talk, a few examples of different neutron scattering experiments being developed at BCMaterials will be briefly introduced. In par-ticular, results of neutron reflectometry (NR) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) for nanoscale characterization of the particles in bulk and at interfaces will be shown. The structural analysis of complex systems of nanoparticles with bio-macromolecules (magnetoferritin, amyloids, magnetosomes among oth-ers) will be described in detail during the presentation. Finally, the interaction characteristics between sur-factant/polymer molecules in solutions will be presented.

Type Activity

12.00pm, Seminar Room