Functional Protein-Based Materials from Opaqueness to Transparency

Prof. Luai R. Khoury

(Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)

The fast-paced advancements in transparent materials have led to a significant demand for novelbiocompatible materials that possess customized mechanical, functional, and high transparencyattributes, suitable for various see-through biological applications.

Protein-based biomaterials are desirable for various functions due to their exceptional hierarchical andstructural designs, inherent biocompatibility, diverse biological characteristics, and specific proteinfolding transitions in response to external stimuli. However, controlling the mechanical andmicrostructure of protein-based hydrogels has been challenging, as they depend on proteinconcentration, solubility, and stability. Increasing concentration can enhance toughness, but maximumsolubility limits it. Protein engineering and DNA recombinant technologies have created newpossibilities, but some new protein designs require high minimum gelation concentrations, restrictinghydrogel synthesis and narrowing the mechanical behavior range. Additionally, most protein-basedmaterials are opaque, and while several strategies have been proposed to form transparent protein-based hydrogels, the harsh synthesis processes can damage protein structure and functionality.Therefore, a thorough investigation is required to preserve the unique intrinsic properties of globularproteins in formulating functional, transparent protein-based materials.

In my presentation, I will discuss multiple techniques for creating protein-based hydrogels withadjustable mechanical behavior, microstructure morphology, and shape-morphing behavior.Additionally, I will introduce a straightforward approach that imparts exceptional properties to protein-based hydrogels compared to existing native and protein/polymer hydrogels. These properties includesuperior mechanical behavior, optical transmission, and shape-morphing behavior in a physiological-like environment.

Type Activity

12.00pm, Seminar Room