Soft Skills Seminar: Spin-offs launch program at CIC biomaGUNE

Marcos Simón

(CIC biomaGUNE)

The transfer of research results to society is part of the mission of CIC biomaGUNE, and the creation of spin-off companies is one of the tools available to us to fulfil our mission.
CIC biomaGUNE want to boost the creation of companies as a mechanism for technology development and transfer. Through a lengthy process, we have produced a set of guidelines to define the overall criteria that will apply to the support provided by CIC biomaGUNE to entrepreneurial initiatives based on our technologies. During this presentation, Marcos Simón, Technology Transfer Officer at CIC biomaGUNE, will explain why we want to intensify the creation of spin-offs and how we plan to incentivize this process.

Type Activity

12:00pm, Seminar Room