Smart scaffolding to monitor tumour growth in real time and controlled environments

Building three-dimensional scaffolding to guide the growth of tumours in controlled environments, to monitor the evolution of each of their cells in real time and to record the release of tumour metabolites and other indicators of cell activity under different conditions. That is the ultimate aim of the 4DbioSERS project on which the research group led by Luis Liz-Marzán, Ikerbasque professor and CIC biomaGUNE’s scientific director, is working. It is a project geared towards the study of cancer, melanoma and breast cancer, in particular, and seeks to better understand the growth and dynamics of tumours, which also avoids the need for animal experiments. 4DbioSERS is a five-year project funded by 2.4 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC) as part of the prestigious ERC Advanced Grants call awarded to high-risk and high-gain projects.

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