Cristina de la Encarnación wins the Best Oral Communication Award at the Barluenga Lectureship 2022

Cristina de la Encarnación, PhD student of the Bionanoplasmonics group, has won the Best Oral Communication Award at  Barluenga Lectureship 2022, which has taken place in the University of Oviedo, Spain, from 26 to 28 October.  The title of her conference is ‘Magnetic-plasmonic nanoparticles for multimodal bioimaging and hyperthermia’   The “Barluenga Lectureship” is awarded yearly to an exceptional scientist whose work has significantly impacted some area of Chemistry. The recipient of this award delivers a lecture and receives a commemorative medal in an event organized by the University of Oviedo. From this year onwards, an additional lecture is stablished in honor and memory of Professor Kilian Muñiz, in recognition of his contribution to the development of the Barluenga Lectureship. Other invited lectures are presented by renowned scientists in a symposium organized for the occasion.