Luis Liz-Marzán enters the Royal Academy of Sciences of Galicia

Luis Liz Marzán, Ikerbasque Professor and CIC biomaGUNE Scientific Director, has joined the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences (RAGC - Real Academia Gallega de Ciencias ) as corresponding member, along with another four scientists who are either Galician or who have close ties with Galicia. They are highly prestigious in their areas of expertise, they conduct research at leading centres in Spain or abroad, and have the capacity to contribute towards promoting science in Galicia through the RAGC. 

The official induction ceremony of the new corresponding members was held on 21 January, 2020, in Santiago de Compostela during the opening ceremony of the RAGC’s academic year, which was attended by many Galician officials.

Photo caption: The new members from left to right in the front row: Aníbal Figueiras, Manuel de León, Beatriz González, Xosé Ramón Bustelo and Luis Liz-Marzán.

The officials: Chancellor of the University of Vigo, Manuel Reigosa; Chancellor of the University of La Coruña, Julio Abalde; Chairman of the RAGC, Juan M. Lema; Regional Minister for Education, Universities and Vocational Training, Carmen Pomar; President of the Xunta (Regional Government of Galicia), Alberto Núñez-Feijóo; President of the Consello da Cultura Galega (Council for Galician Culture), Rosario Álvarez; and Vice Chancellor of Research of the University of Santiago, Vicente Pérez-Muñuzuri.

Real Academia Galega de Ciencias

La Voz de Galicia

El País