Marta Martínez Moro, a PhD student in the Soft Matter Nanotechnology Lab, wrote an article on scientific dissemination that was published in the July-August bulletin of the Colegio Oficial de Físicos. In the article, Marta acknowledges the importance of reporting scientific research in an interesting and accessible way, not only to fellow researchers, but also to the general public, including children and adolescents, who are especially curious by nature.
Marta describes how her own opportunity to hear a research talk by a visiting scientist while in her 3rd year of university, attracted her attention so much that it led her toward a career in researching nanoparticles with biomedical applications, as she does now at CIC biomaGUNE. She also highlights the value of scientific outreach activities such as the Pint of Science festival and the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, two initiatives in which Marta has participated to get non-scientists and children interested in and excited about research and discovery.