Heterochiral Peptide Assembly: Entry to Wonderland through the Mirror

Prof. Silvia Marchesan

(Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy)

Nature’s choice for homochirality has stimulated our research, as we challenge it with heterochirality. The scientific journey in this direction starts from the design of tripeptides to define self-assembly rules within chemical systems of biological relevance. We use one or two D-amino acids in D,L-tripeptides and study small libraries with variations in stereochemistry or amino acid sequence.1 We established how chirality affects spatial conformation for assembly from the molecular, nano-, micro- and through to the macro-scale, to link the macroscopic properties back to structural details of the building blocks.2 As Alice steps beyond the mirror and enters Wonderland,3 we can get inspired by D-amino acids and use them in D,L-peptides to achieve functional superstructures. We monitored molecular conformation and its evolution as a continuum to macroscopic hydrogels.2 We have now identified a more diverse library of self-assembling tripeptides with different functional groups. 
Applications range from (antimicrobial) biomaterials4 to supramolecular catalysis,5 with function that can be switched on/off with assembly/disassembly.


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