Postdoctoral Seminar: Bone and cartilage tissue engineering approaches at CICbiomaGUNE

12.00pm, Seminar Room

Ander Abarrategi

Tissue engineering field aims to generate therapies able to restore the function ofdamaged tissues by the generation of functional living structures. It is achieved byimplantable devices based on the combination of cells, biological signals and carriermaterials. Our lab is devoted to generate bioinspired and biomimetic tissue engineeringapproaches in skeletal organ context: We investigate the usefulness of decellularizedcartilage tissue as a potential biomaterial for cartilage regeneration; We use thesynthetic and natural polymers PCL, PLA and chitosan for bone tissue formation; Wegain insight into the molecular events driving the bone formation process, aiming togenerate new regeneration strategies. In this presentation, the tissue engineering fieldwill be introduced and our latest results will be presented and discussed.