
Nanozymes with versatile redox capabilities inspired in metalloenzymes

Title: Nanozymes with versatile redox capabilities inspired in metalloenzymes

López-Domene, R; Kumar, K; Barcelon, JE; Guedes, G; Beloqui, A; Cortajarena, AL.

Journal: Nanoscale, 2023,15, 16959-16966. DOI: 10.1039/d3nr03443g

Metalloenzymes represent exemplary systems in which an organic scaffold combines with a functional inorganic entity, resulting in excellent redox catalysts. Inspired by these natural hybrid biomolecules, biomolecular templates have garnered significant attention for the controlled synthesis of inorganic nanostructures. These nanostructures ultimately benefit from the protection and colloidal stabilization provided by the biomacromolecule. In this study, we have employed this strategy to prepare nanozymes with redox capabilities, utilizing the versatile catalytic profile of Pt-loaded nanomaterials. Thus, we have investigated protein-templated Pt-based nanoclusters of different sizes and compositions, which exhibit remarkable oxidase, catalase, and reductase-like activities. The interplay between the composition and catalytic activity highlighted the size of the nanocluster as the most prominent factor in determining the performance of the nanozymes. Additionally, we have demonstrated the use of protein-templated nanozymes as potential co-catalysts in combination with enzymes for coupled reactions, under both sequential and concurrent one-pot conditions. This study provides valuable insights into nanozyme design and its wide range of applications in the design of complex catalytic systems..