
PET imaging of self‐assembled 18F‐labelled Pd2L4 metallacages for anticancer drug delivery

Title: PET imaging of self‐assembled 18F‐labelled Pd2L4 metallacages for anticancer drug delivery

Cosialls, R; Simó, C; Borros, S; Gómez-Vallejo, V; Schmidt, C; Llop, J; Cuenca, AB; Casini, A.

Journal: Chemistry a European Journal, 2022. Advanced Article. DOI: 10.1002/chem.202202604

To advance the design of self-assembled metallosupramolecular architectures as new generation theranostic agents, the synthesis of 18F-labelled [Pd2L4]4+ metallacages is reported. Different spectroscopic and bio-analytical methods support the formation of the host-guest cage-cisplatin complex. The biodistribution profiles of one of the cages, alone or encapsulating cisplatin have been studied by PET/CT imaging in healthy mice in vivo, in combination to ICP-MS ex vivo.

DOI:  10.1002/chem.202202604