
The Influence of Size, Shape, and Twin Boundaries on Heat-Induced Alloying in Individual Au@Ag Core-Shell Nanoparticles

Title: The Influence of Size, Shape, and Twin Boundaries on Heat-Induced Alloying in Individual Au@Ag Core-Shell Nanoparticles

Mychinko, M; Skorikov, A; Albrecht, W; Sanchez-Iglesias, A; Zhuo, XL; Kumar, V; Liz-Marzan, LM; Bals, S.

Journal: Small, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/smll.202102348

Environmental conditions during real-world application of bimetallic core–shell nanoparticles (NPs) often include the use of elevated temperatures, which are known to cause elemental redistribution, in turn significantly altering the properties of these nanomaterials. Therefore, a thorough understanding of such processes is of great importance. The recently developed combination of fast electron tomography with in situ heating holders is a powerful approach to investigate heat-induced processes at the single NP level, with high spatial resolution in 3D. In combination with 3D finite-difference diffusion simulations, this method can be used to disclose the influence of various NP parameters on the diffusion dynamics in Au@Ag core–shell systems. A detailed study of the influence of heating on atomic diffusion and alloying for Au@Ag NPs with varying core morphology and crystallographic details is carried out. Whereas the core shape and aspect ratio of the NPs play a minor role, twin boundaries are found to have a strong influence on the elemental diffusion.