
Metal-Free Photocatalysis: Two-Dimensional Nanomaterial Connection toward Advanced Organic Synthesis

Title: Metal-Free Photocatalysis: Two-Dimensional Nanomaterial Connection toward Advanced Organic Synthesis

Rosso, C; Filippini, G; Criado, A; Melchionna, M; Fornasiero, P; Prato, M.

Journal: ACS Nano 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c00627

Two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures are a frontier in materials chemistry as a result of their extraordinary properties. Metal-free 2D nanomaterials possess extra appeal due to their improved cost-effectiveness and lower toxicity with respect to many inorganic structures. The outstanding electronic characteristics of some metal-free 2D semiconductors have projected them into the world of organic synthesis, where they can function as high-performance photocatalysts to drive the sustainable synthesis of high-value organic molecules. Recent reports on this topic have inspired a stream of research and opened up a theme that we believe will become one of the most dominant trends in the forthcoming years.