
Chemo-Enzymatic Synthesis of S. mansoni O-Glycans and Their Evaluation as Ligands for C-Type Lectin Receptors MGL, DC-SIGN, and DC-SIGNR

Title: Chemo-Enzymatic Synthesis of S. mansoni O-Glycans and Their Evaluation as Ligands for C-Type Lectin Receptors MGL, DC-SIGN, and DC-SIGNR

Pham, J.; Hernandez, A.; Cioce, A.; Achilli, S.; Goti, g.; Vivès, C.; Thepaut, M.; Bernardi, A.; Fieschi, F. and Reichardt, NC.;

Journal: Chemistry - A European Journal 2020, DOI: 10.1002/chem.202000291

Due to their interactions with C-type lectin receptors (CLRs), glycans from the helminth Schistosoma mansoni represent promising leads for treatment of autoimmune diseases, allergies or cancer. We chemo-enzymatically synthesized nine O-glycans based on the two predominant O-glycan cores observed in the infectious stages of schistosomiasis, the mucin core 2 and the S. mansoni core. The O-glycans were fucosylated next to a selection of N-glycans directly on a microarray slide using a recombinant fucosyltransferase and GD-fucose or GDP-6-azidofucose as donor. Binding assays with fluorescently labelled human CLRs DC-SIGN, DC-SIGNR and MGL revealed the novel O‐glycan O8 as the best ligand for MGL from our panel. Significant binding to DC-SIGN was also found for azido‐fucosylated glycans. Contrasting binding specificities were observed between the monovalent carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) and the tetravalent extracellular domain (ECD) of DC-SIGNR.