
Chemically Cross-Linked Carbon Nanotube Films Engineered to Control Neuronal Signaling

Title: Chemically Cross-Linked Carbon Nanotube Films Engineered to Control Neuronal Signaling

Myriam Barrejón,Rossana Rauti, Laura Ballerini & Maurizio Prato

Journal: ACS Nano 2019 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b02429

In recent years, the use of free-standing carbon nanotube (CNT) films for neural tissue engineering has attracted tremendous attention. CNT films show large surface area and high electrical conductivity that combined with flexibility and biocompatibility may promote neuron growth and differentiation while stimulating neural activity. In addition, adhesion, survival, and growth of neurons can be modulated through chemical modification of CNTs. Axonal and synaptic signaling can also be positively tuned by these materials. Here we describe the ability of free-standing CNT films to influence neuronal activity. We demonstrate that the degree of cross-linking between the CNTs has a strong impact on the electrical conductivity of the substrate, which, in turn, regulates neural circuit outputs.
