
Measuring Bacterial Glycosyl Hydrolase Activity with a Soluble Capture Probe by Mass Spectrometry

Title: Measuring Bacterial Glycosyl Hydrolase Activity with a Soluble Capture Probe by Mass Spectrometry

Serna, S; Ercibengoa, M; Marimón, JM; Reichardt, N.

Journal: Anal. Chem., 2018, 90 (21), 12536–12543

A solution-phase enzymatic assay has been developed to track bacterial glycosyl hydrolase activity by surface-assisted MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Lactose was equipped with an azide-functionalized linker and was supplemented to bacterial cultures as an artificial substrate for bacterial β-galactosidase enzyme. The azide linked glycoside probe was then covalently captured on an alkyne-functionalized indium tin oxide sample plate via a bio-orthogonal copper-catalyzed azide alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). The noncovalent immobilization of the alkyne capture tag via hydrophobic interactions on the ITO-sample plate allowed the analysis of the probe conjugate by surface-based mass spectrometry. The ratio of digested to nondigested lactose probe was then employed as a measure for bacterial hydrolase activity, which correlated well with bacterial growth measured by optical density. In addition, we established in a proof of concept experiment that the setup was well suited to identify antibiotic susceptibility of bacterial strains with a performance comparable to current state-of-the-art methods. While the proof of concept version is limited to the identification of a single enzyme activity, we envisage that the use of multiple substrate probes in a multiplexed version will allow the quantification of various glycosyl hydrolase activities with clinical relevance in a single experiment.

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