
Design principles of chiral carbon nanodots help convey chirality from molecular to nanoscale level

Title: Design principles of chiral carbon nanodots help convey chirality from molecular to nanoscale level

Luka Ðorđević, Francesca Arcudi, Alessandro D’Urso, Michele Cacioppo, Norberto Micali, Thomas Bürgi, Roberto Purrello & Maurizio Prato

Journal: Nature Communications 2018, 9, 3442

The chirality of (nano)structures is paramount in many phenomena, including biological processes, self-assembly, enantioselective reactions, and light or electron spin polarization. In the quest for new chiral materials, metallo-organic hybrids have been attractive candidates for exploiting the aforementioned scientific fields. Here, we show that chiral carbon nanoparticles, called carbon nanodots, can be readily prepared using hydrothermal microwave-assisted synthesis and easily purified. These particles, with a mean particle size around 3 nm, are highly soluble in water and display mirror-image profile both in the UV–Vis and in the infrared regions, as detected by electronic and vibrational circular dichroism, respectively. Finally, the nanoparticles are used as templates for the formation of chiral supramolecular porphyrin assemblies, showing that it is possible to use and transfer the chiral information. This simple (and effective) methodology opens up exciting opportunities for developing a variety of chiral composite materials and applications.