
Subtissue Plasmonic Heating Monitored with CaF2:Nd3+,Y3+ Nanothermometers in the Second Biological Window

Title: Subtissue Plasmonic Heating Monitored with CaF2:Nd3+,Y3+ Nanothermometers in the Second Biological Window

Quintanilla, M; Zhang, Y; Liz-Marzán, LM.

Journal: Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 2819-2828

Measuring temperature in biological environments is an ambitious goal toward supporting medical treatment and diagnosis. Minimally invasive techniques based on optical probes require very specific properties that are difficult to combine within a single material. These include high chemical stability in aqueous environments, optical signal stability, low toxicity, high emission intensity, and, essential, working at wavelengths within the biological transparency windows so as to minimize invasiveness while maximizing penetration depth. We propose CaF2:Nd3+,Y3+ as a candidate for thermometry based on an intraband ratiometric approach, fully working within the biological windows (excitation at 808 nm; emission around 1050 nm). We optimized the thermal probes through the addition of Y3+ as a dopant to improve both emission intensity and thermal sensitivity. To define the conditions under which the proposed technique can be applied, gold nanorods were used to optically generate subtissue hot areas, while the resulting temperature variation was monitored with the new nanothermometers.