
N-Doped Graphitized Carbon Nanohorns as a Forefront Electrocatalyst in Highly Selective O2 Reduction to H2O2

Title: N-Doped Graphitized Carbon Nanohorns as a Forefront Electrocatalyst in Highly Selective O2 Reduction to H2O2

D. Iglesias, A. Giuliani, M. Melchionna, S. Marchesan, A. Criado, L. Nasi, M. Bevilacqua, C. Tavagnacco, F. Vizza, M. Prato, P. Fornasiero

Journal: Chem, 2018, 1, 106-123

Electrochemical oxygen reduction (ORR) is a challenging approach for the sustainable production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and is also a reaction of relevance in fuel-cell applications. Here, we propose an outstanding metal-free electrocatalyst for the unexpectedly selective ORR to H2O2, consisting of graphitized N-doped single-wall carbon nanohorns (CNHs). The catalyst can operate at acidic pH to a faradic efficiency as high as 98%, but it also shows excellent performance at either physiological or alkaline pH. Moreover, the very positive onset potentials observed at all pH values investigated (+0.40 V, +0.53 V, and +0.71 V at pH 1.0, 7.4, and 13.0, respectively), good stability, and excellent reproducibility make this material a benchmark catalyst for ORR to H2O2. The outstanding activity arises from a combination of several factors, such as CNH-dependent facilitation of electron delivery, suitable porosity, and a favorable distribution of the types of N atoms.