
High-Yield Seeded Growth of Monodisperse Pentatwinned Gold Nanoparticles through Thermally Induced Seed Twinning

Title: High-Yield Seeded Growth of Monodisperse Pentatwinned Gold Nanoparticles through Thermally Induced Seed Twinning

Ana Sánchez-Iglesias, Naomi Winckelmans, Thomas Altantzis, Sara Bals, Marek Grzelczak, and Luis M. Liz-Marzán

Journal: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 107-110

The Bionanoplasmonics Laboratory and the Colloidal Nanofabrication Platform of CIC biomaGUNE, in collaboration with the EMAT group of the University of Antwerp, showed that thermal treatment of small seeds improves drastically the reproducibility and yield of pentatwinned gold nanoparticles. This work is expected to advance the generalization of current synthetic methods.