
Tunable Nanoparticle and Cell Assembly Using Combined Self-Powered Microfluidics and Microcontact Printing

Title: Tunable Nanoparticle and Cell Assembly Using Combined Self-Powered Microfluidics and Microcontact Printing

Cyrille Hamon, Malou Henriksen-Lacey, Andrea La Porta, Melania Rosique, Judith Langer, Leonardo Scarabelli, Ana Belén Serrano Montes, Guillermo González-Rubio, Marian M. de Pancorbo, Luis M. Liz-Marzán, and Lourdes Basabe-DesmontsAdvanced Functional Materials, 2016 Volume 26, Issue 44, pages 8053–8061

Journal: Advanced Functional Materials, 2016 Volume 26, Issue 44, pages 8053–8061

The study, published in Advanced Functional Materials, describes how microfluidics can be used to achieve nanoscale control of GNP deposition on substrates, and that by changing the original GNP shape and organic coating molecules, varied 3D macrostructures can be achieved. Inclusion of biomolecules relevant to cellular adhesion can be used to control cellular deposition, and subsequently their morphology and adherence. Taken together, the flexible approach to NP and biomolecule deposition allows for a user-friendly method to control cells for optical sensors or other applications such as thermally induced drug release.