
Precise Localization of Metal Nanoparticles in Dendrimer Nanosnakes or Inner Periphery and Consequences in Catalysis

Title: Precise Localization of Metal Nanoparticles in Dendrimer Nanosnakes or Inner Periphery and Consequences in Catalysis

X. Liu, D. Gregurec, J.Irigoyen, A.Martinez, S.E.Moya, R.Ciganda, P.Hermange, J.Ruiz, D.AstrucNature Communications, Volume 7, 19 October 2016, Article number 13152

Journal: Nature Communications, Volume 7, 19 October 2016, Article number 13152

The Soft Matter laboratory at CIC biomaGUNE in collaboration with the  group of Didier Astruc at the University of Bordeaux has published a study showing that the  catalytic activities of Au, Ag and Cu nanoparticles  stabilized by dendrimers using coordination to intradendritic triazoles, galvanic replacement or stabilization outside dendrimers strongly depend on the location of the metallic nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles are found at the inner click dendrimer periphery, whereas copper and gold nanoparticles are encapsulated in click dendrimer nanosnakes. Au nanoparticles were found to be the best 4-nitrophenol reduction catalysts as they are less sterically inhibited by the dendrimer interior, whereas on the contrary Cu nanoparticles are better alkyne azide cycloaddition catalysts as they are more protected from aerobic oxidation inside dendrimers. The work demonstrates the importance of the location of the nanoparticles inside a macromolecular matrix on the catalytic efficiency of the metal nanoparticles and it can be applied for a more rational design of catalysts with optimized propertiesNature Communications, Volume 7, 19 October 2016, Article number 13152