
CIC biomaGUNE regularly receives visits from high-school and university students who come to have a closer look at our activity. These visits typically include a lecture about biomaterials in the context of life sciences, an open discussion with CIC biomaGUNE researchers, and a guided tour to six technical facilities/laboratories (Nanoparticle synthesis platform, Confocal Microscopy, Radiochemistry platform, Molecular Imaging Facility, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy). The program of visits is run by Platform Managers as well as PhDs, Postdocs and Principal Investigators.

School Visits


2024-01-19: Easo Politeknikoa Hoy recibimos la visita de 18 estudiantes del grado de Anatomía Patológica de Easo Politeknikoa, un encuentro enriquecedor para compartir conocimientos. Fue una oportunidad para que los estudiantes exploraran nuestras instalaciones y aprendieran sobre dif
2024-02-01: Emakumeak Zientzian  
2024-02-16: St. Patricks English School  
2024-05-03: Tecnun Engineering School- Universidad de Navarra Today we have received the visit of 30 students of Bioengineering of Tecnun-Universidad de Navarra. Thank you for sharing with us all your inspiring comments and questions!