Mi futuro como Científica

On 16th February at 10.30h, a round table discussion will take place at the Biodonostia headquarters called "Mi futuro como científica", as part of the activities of Emakumeak Zientzian.  It is aimed above all at young female researchers and the scientific community in general.

Six female scientists will talk about their careers and reflect on the easiness and difficulties they have encountered in their careers. They will be a source of inspiration for young women researchers who are currently working on their doctoral thesis, talking about the different career options available in the field of biomedicine.  On behalf of CIC biomaGUNE, our colleague Irantzu Llarena, Head of the Optical Spectroscopy Platform, will be attending.

The round table is aimed at pre-doctoral researchers and undergraduate and master's degree students and can be followed both in person and online.

Languages of the event: English, Spanish, Basque.

More information and registration here