Presentation of ARTIBLED's video

We proudly present the ARTIBLED's promotional video. The aim of ARTIBLED is to create a new generation of color filters based on genetically enhanced fluorescent proteins to reach the performance required for LED lighting. With natural proteins, several months of supply with stability and efficiency have been achieved. These artificial proteins will encompass the best of the stability (photo and thermal) of the artificial emitters and the protection of the protein skeletons that will allow them to be included in their genetic code so that they can be produced in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way using bacteria. In a nutshell, the ultimate goal is that bacteria such as E. Coli are genetically modified to produce the light filters that could be used in the next generation of Bio-LEDs.

Check it out on https://bfm.cs.tum.de/artibleds-video/?lang=en

It highlights the most relevant aspects of our FET-OPEN project:  M O T I V A T I O N,   I N N O V A T I O N,   T E A M,   and   R E S E A R C H   A P P R O A C H !